11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (2024)

Now I know what you’re thinking… “Tanner, ain’t a coop just a coop? What’s there to talk about?”

And to that I say – oh heck no!

Not all coops are created equal.

A good coop keeps your chickens safe, makes egg collecting a breeze, and gives your feathery gals room to flap about.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (1)

So grab your overhalls and let’s dive into my favorite chicken coop designs for every type of flock.

Table of Contents

Small Backyard Coops

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (2)

If you’re just keeping a handful of birds in the city or burbs, a compact coop is the way to go.

Some of my favorites include converted dog houses or playhouses – cheap and cheerful!

I once turned an old plastic playhouse into a cute little coop for 3 hens.

I cut a pop door, added some roosts and nest boxes, and painted it red for a fun pop of color.

The girls loved having their own playhouse to live in.

Another easy option is DIY coops from kits or upcycled materials.

My neighbor built a nice little coop from old pallets and other scrap wood.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (3)

If you’re handy, you can find free plans online and make one tailored to your space.

A-frame coops with built-in nesting boxes are also super popular for small flocks.

They provide good head space for roosting and make egg collecting a total breeze.

Just lift the slanted roof and grab those freshies.

The key is making sure they have adequate space for roosting and dust bathing.

About 2-4 square feet per bird inside the coop is a good rule of thumb.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (4)

And don’t cram your girls!

Overcrowding leads to stress, illness, and messy coops.

Give each lady room to flap and be happy.

Large Scale Coops

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (5)

Got a whole flock on your homestead?

Let those ladies live large with walk-in chicken tractors for frequent pasture rotation.

I built a 10×12 tractor for my flock of 12 hens so I can move them to fresh grass every few days.

It has wheels on one end so I can hook up the tractor to my ATV and drag it around.

The chickens have plenty of space and always have green pickings.

Another great option is coops with attached chicken runs for free ranging.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (6)

I converted my small barn into a coop with access to a 20×30 foot run.

The hens can choose to be indoors or stretching their wings outdoors.

Converted shed coops are also awesome for tons of space.

My cousin turned an old shed into a palatial coop with roosts, nests, and room to spare.

If you have an unused outbuilding, it can easily become chicken real estate.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (7)

Maximize floor space and ventilation for a healthy and happy flock.

Aim for 4-5 square feet inside per bird for large flocks so they don’t get crabby.

See also 7+ Chicken Pen Ideas to Give Your Flock Room to Roam

And make sure air circulates freely to prevent moisture buildup.

Predator Proof Coops

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (8)

In rural areas, keeping chickens safe at night is a must.

Some predator-smart designs include reinforced floors, walls, and ceilings.

I line my coops with 1/2 inch hardware cloth on any vulnerable surfaces.

Raccoons and weasels can’t chew through it.

Hardware cloth instead of chicken wire is also critical.

Chicken wire is pretty useless against predators.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (9)

They can rip right through it.

But 1/2 inch 14 gauge hardware cloth keeps varmints out.

Locking door hooks and latches are a simple add-on for better security.

I use carabiners on my coop doors so they securely clasp shut.

No gaps or openings should be left unchecked.

Plug any holes with foam or caulk so nothing can squeeze inside.

Fort Knox ain’t got nothing on a properly secured coop!

Coops for Cold Climates

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (10)


In cold northern regions, a winter-proof coop is essential.

Thick insulation in walls and ceiling helps retain warmth.

I stuff my coop walls with r-13 insulation and pack the attic space.

Ventilation holes near the roofline let moisture escape but keep cold air from dropping in.

Heated waterers are a must to avoid frozen blocks of ice.

I use a heated base for their waterer when temps drop below freezing.

Deep bedding of shavings or straw also provides warmth.

Make sure to keep it clean and dry.

South facing windows let in warming sunlight on sunny winter days.

Strategic window placement makes a difference.

Few things sadder than a chicken with frosty wattles.

Keep ’em cozy all winter long!

Creative Coops

If you’ve got a flair for design, funk up your coop with fun colors and paint jobs.

I painted mine sherbert orange with bright white trim.

It makes me smile every time I see it.

Custom doors, ramps, and perches also add personality.

I built a cute wooden ramp with cleats for grip.

The girls love waddling up and down it.

Quirky add-ons like a chicken swing or dust bath make for happy hens.

I hung a tire swing inside for mine – cluck yeah!

Personalized name signs and laying boxes also show them some love.

My chickens’ nest boxes have their photos and names on them.

Your feathered ladies will thank you for the extra thought and care!

There you have it folks – 17 ways to build a better coop for your flock.

Now I don’t know about you, but all this chicken talk has got my stomach rumbling.

I’m off to make myself a nice scramble!

Let me know how your coop plans hatch out.

When it comes to chicken coops, ventilation is clutch for a healthy home.

Proper airflow keeps ammonia levels down and reduces moisture buildup.

Installing windows on opposite sides allows cross-ventilation.

I put windows on the north and south walls so breezes blow straight through.

Vents up near the roofline also let hot air escape.

See also Top 15.5 Chicken Coop Insulation Ideas

I cut vents into the highest areas and saw a noticeable difference.

In the summer, I prop doors open for added airflow.

Fans and misters in the coop provide a cooling breeze.

Breathable roofing materials like corrugated metal also improve ventilation.

My tin roof keeps things well-ventilated up top.

And make sure litter stays dry – damp bedding breeds bacteria.

I rake the litter daily and add fresh shavings weekly.

Following proper ventilation guidelines keeps the coop smelling fresh!

Now let’s gab about easy coop cleaning for newbie chicken keepers.

Daily spot cleaning prevents a big mess from building up.

I scrape droppings off roosts and clean out waterers each morning.

This takes just 10-15 minutes and makes a difference.

Weekly deep cleans keep the coop sanitized.

Removing all litter and disinfecting the surfaces resets the space.

I use a natural citrus cleaner then put down fresh pine shavings.

Bi-annual coop scrubs remove stubborn grime and rejuvenate the coop.

I do a super deep clean twice a year with a pressure washer.

It blasts away layers of muck for a like-new coop.

Having designated cleaning tools makes the work easier.

I use a kit with shovel, stiff-bristled brush, and bucket.

Cleaning as you go prevents chickens from living in filth.

Give their home the TLC it deserves!

Alright chicken folk, that’s all this rooster has for today.

I hope these coop tips help your flock thrive.

Stay tuned for more backyard chicken chatter, coming to you from Tanner Barnsley.

Now let me rustle up some grub before I start pecking at seed myself!

Coops with Chicken Runs

Attaching a fenced run to your coop gives chickens room to roam safely outdoors.

Chicken wire or hardware cloth fencing sunk into the ground secures the run perimeter.

Burying fencing at least 12 inches deters digging predators and escape artists.

Multiple access points between coop and run allow free movement between spaces.

I built a wide walkway from my coop into an attached 20 foot long run.

Shade sources like trees or shade cloths give relief from sun exposure.

Partially covering runs provides weather protection.

My run has a tin roof over half the space to stay dry.

Nesting boxes and perches in the run let chickens enjoy outdoor living.

I made a movable A-frame roost and nest box for all-day access.

Rotating runs between grassy patches prevents soil depletions.

I have two runs to alternate my flock between so the grass recovers.

Cleaning runs routinely removes manure buildup.

I rake weekly and till the soil occasionally to refresh.

Give your chickens the best of indoor and outdoor living!

Elevated Chicken Coops

Elevated coops deter crawling predators and prevent flooding.

Building on stilts or posts raises the coop floor several feet.

I used cinder blocks to elevate my coop and discourage predators.

Ramps or stairs give chickens access to the elevated entry.

My ramp has slats for easy climbing up to the door.

See also To Pen or Not to Pen: Chicken Pens vs Runs

Raising the coop provides dry ground and airflow underneath.

I can stash supplies beneath and the hens stay dry in rain.

Elevated coops may need additional railing or fencing.

I encircled mine with aviary mesh to prevent falls.

Bolting the structure to sturdy posts or footings adds stability.

Securing it to two pressure-treated 4×4 posts prevents rocking.

Take precautions for chickens’ safety when building up high!

Solar or Wind Powered Coops

Alternative energy systems let you run electric coop features off-grid.

Solar panels mounted on the roof collect energy to power lights or devices.

I have a small solar setup for my water heater and ventilation fan.

Wind turbines also harness natural energy for electricity.

Position them to catch the most wind without too much noise.

Deep cycle batteries store power and extend usage at night or on low-wind days.

I have two large batteries that hold plenty of reserve energy.

Power inverters convert DC current from batteries to standard AC current.

This lets me plug normal devices into my off-grid power supply.

For eco-friendly energy, look into Yeti or Goal Zero solar generators.

With some DIY skills, you can install solar yourself and go green.

Multi-Level Chicken Coops

Building upwards utilizes vertical space for more floor area.

Stacked boxes or converted sheds create two or more coop levels.

I renovated an old shed into a 2-story coop masterpiece.

Ramps between levels allow easy movement between floors.

The ramp from first to second floor has a gentle incline for comfort.

Separate activities on different levels reduces congestion.

My first floor has food and water while upper has roosts and nests.

Smaller flocks often do fine sharing space.

But large groups appreciate multiple levels.

Greater floor space reduces crowding issues.

Building up takes more work but maximizes room for chickens to live their best lives!

Portable Chicken Coops

Mobile coops provide flexible housing you can move anywhere.

Towing hitches make it easy to relocate the coop around your property.

I used a tractor tow hitch to easily move my portable coop.

Wheels lift the floor frame so you can pull or push to a new spot.

Caster wheels offer smooth rolling in any direction.

Lightweight materials like plastic or tin minimize weight.

My mobile coop uses an aluminum frame to keep it light.

Locking wheel brakes prevent unwanted rolling once parked.

I flip levers to lock the wheels when stationary.

Multi-level models have fold down options for travel.

Relocatable coops let you give chickens fresh scenery!

A Must Read:

Eggstra Time🥚How Long Can Chicken Eggs Safely Stay in the Coop?Top 15.5 Chicken Coop Insulation Ideas7+ Chicken Pen Ideas to Give Your Flock Room to RoamTop 10.5+ Predator Proof Chicken Coop IdeasTo Pen or Not to Pen: Chicken Pens vs RunsTop 15.5 Ideas for Prepping Your Chicken Coop for Winter17+ Genius Chicken Roost Ideas for Cozy Nights : You Can’t Resist!Do Chickens Prefer Round or Square Roosts? A Battle for Comfort

Get Crackin’ on Your Own Egg Empire

Do you crave the rich golden yolks and thick whites that only come from the freshest eggs?

After nearly a decade running my own egg empire and mastering the art of keeping chickens, I’ve stuffed all my insider secrets into the aptly named “How to Raise Chickens for Eggs”.

11+ Chicken Coop Ideas to Keep Your Flock Happy (2024)


How can I make my chicken coop more interesting? ›

Chickens love to forage, so providing any sort of litter for them to forage through is a great amusem*nt. Fresh litter in the coop, piles of mulch or leaves, hay bales etc. all provide a new, exciting scratching opportunity! If you want to raise the stakes, hide food and treats in the litter.

What foods make chickens happy? ›

Chickens are omnivores and enjoy a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and even table scraps. Chickens are omnivores and will eat (or try to eat) just about anything they can get their beaks on.

How do you keep chickens entertained in the coop? ›

Chickens love piles and want to flatten any they see. So, to keep them entertained for a while, simply provide a pile of something to level in the corner of their run – wood chips, straw, leaves or whatever you happen to use as litter in the run. In fact, save yourself the work of spreading new litter.

What do chickens love the most? ›

When it comes to foraging, there is a lengthy list of plants that chickens love as treats. Dark leafy greens can result in darker, richer yolks. Lettuce, kale, turnip greens and chard are great greens options. Watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries make healthy snacks for chickens when fed in moderation.

What do chickens want in their coop? ›

Chickens like to be on soil or bedding that is dry and friable. If their coop or run is wet or smelly, your flock will develop health problems. When choosing bedding, find something dry with minimal dust. Good options for bedding include washed sand, wood shavings, dry wood mulch or dry leaves, and rice hulls.

What is the best thing to put on the floor of a chicken coop? ›

Concrete is ideal as it is easy to clean and prevents pests or predators from digging underneath. Strong, galvanised or stainless steel aviary mesh is also suitable along with concrete pavers. Wooden boards can also work but must be supported above ground level to avoid any rot.

How do you enrich a chicken coop? ›

Chicken Coop Enrichment: Make the chicken coop an engaging place to live by decorating it with perches at various heights, ladders, dirt-filled flowerpots, hanging mirrors and old cds, or making a forage box.

What calms chickens down? ›

Because they are used to hearing human voices, a radio gives them a sense of security – day or night – even if it doesn't totally mask the external noise. It has been proven that hens are calmed by classical music, so stick on some Beethoven for the ultimate in chicken relaxation!

What food gives chickens energy? ›

Grains: Most chicken feeds incorporate healthy grains, like corn, wheat, and soybean meal. These grains act as sources of vitamins, oil and protein, which all poultry require for energy.

How do you keep a lonely chicken happy? ›

If possible, you should keep it in the house so that it can interact with you and your family in the absence of fellow chickens. It also helps if you have toys for them to play with, just like you would with a cat or dog. Toys involving food can be great fun for them.

How to help chickens not be bored? ›

Straw bales give you the most bang for your buck. They encourage natural foraging behaviors, reduce aggression, and improve leg health. Instead of pecking themselves or their friends, birds can spend hours pecking and scratching through bales.

How do you know if your chickens are happy? ›

High energy: Healthy chickens are social, curious and should feel energized to freely move throughout the coop, run or backyard. A lack of movement, low head carriage and overall depressed appearance may be a sign that something is wrong.

How do I bond with my chickens? ›

If they're chicks, pick them up and spend some one-on-one time with them every day. Let them see your face and talk to them. They will get comfortable with you and even nap in your hands or on your lap. For older chickens, bring something to sit on and relax near their roaming area.

How do chickens like to be held? ›

Handle with care

Slowly start wrapping an arm around your hens, being sure to encompass both of their wings to prevent them from flapping. Pet them gently and offer more treats by hand. Start out with short holding sessions of no more than a minute or two, working toward longer embraces.

How long does it take for chickens to get used to other chickens? ›

An established flock will not readily welcome new hens to their group and can be surprisingly vicious. Introducing hens to an established flock will need patience, and often takes a couple of weeks to settle.


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.