7-Day Plant-Based Meal Plan (2024)

A week of plant-based meals that even non-vegans will love!

7-Day Plant-Based Meal Plan (1)

Whether or not you’re vegan, it’s a good idea to incorporate this 7-Day Plant-Based Meal Plan into your diet. Plant-based meals often contain lots of vegetables, which are great sources of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. Other ingredients commonly used in vegan cooking, such as legumes and whole grains, are also great sources of fiber. Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and stabilizing your blood sugar. Plus, you can tons of protein without eating meat, eggs, and dairy. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, and quinoa are all packed with the protein your body needs, and they’re delicious! Even if you don’t plan on being vegan after the week is up, you can still enjoy clean health benefits from our 7-Day Plant-Based Meal Plan. You’ll feel great, and you might even discover some new favorite recipes!

7 Day Plant Based Meal Plan

Our 7 day plant based meal plan is a simple way to add more plant-based meals to your diet. You can follow the meal plan exactly or mix and match your favorite meals across different days. As with any meal plan, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the week. If you’re using this 7 day plant based meal plan as a way to kick-start your weight loss journey, be sure to pay attention to the recommended portions for each meal. If you’re very active or someone who needs to consume extra calories, feel free to up your portion sizes or add an extra snack or two each day.

Day 1

Start the first day of our 7 day plant based meal plan with warm and comforting banana oatmeal, then enjoy crunchy and refreshing Asian-inspired lettuce wraps for lunch. Dinner is linguine with lemon-roasted Brussels sprouts, and you can snack on our awesome sunflower lentil dip throughout the day.

Breakfast: Banana Smash Oatmeal
Lunch: Asian Vegetable Lettuce Wrap with Peanut Sauce
Dinner: Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Linguine
(save some for tomorrow’s lunch!)
Snack Option: Sunflower Lentil Dip
with fresh veggies or Whole-Grain Pita Chips(save some for Day 5!)

Day 2

Day two begins with a blueberry chia seed pudding and ends with a hearty roasted vegetable and quinoa Buddha bowl. You’ll eat yesterday’s dinner leftovers for lunch and snack on baked avocado wontons between meals.

Breakfast: BlueberryChia Seed Pudding
Lunch: Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Linguine (left over from last night’s dinner)
Dinner: Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Buddha Bowl
(save some for lunch tomorrow!)
Snack Option: Avocado Wontons
(save some for Day 4!)

Day 3

Start day three with a protein-rich smoothie, enjoy yesterday’s leftovers for lunch, then make a big batch of Greek lentil soup for dinner.

Breakfast: Almond Protein Smoothie
Lunch: Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Buddha Bowl (left over from last night’s dinner)
Dinner: Greek Lentil Soup
(save some for tomorrow’s lunch!)
Snack Option:
1 cup of olives

Day 4

Day four of our 7 day plant based meal plan will start off on a sweet note with chocolatey pumpkin oatmeal. Enjoy yesterday’s leftover soup for lunch, then finish the day with our butternut squash and cranberry quinoa salad.

Breakfast: Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Oatmeal
Lunch: Greek Lentil Soup (left over from last night’s dinner)
Dinner: Butternut Squash and Cranberry Quinoa Salad
(save some for tomorrow’s lunch!)
Snack Option:
Avocado Wontons (left over from Day 2)

Day 5

Enjoy a tropical mango shake for breakfast on day five, snack on leftover sunflower lentil dip, and enjoy more butternut squash and cranberry quinoa salad for lunch. For dinner, whip up a batch of our super quick and easy spicy grilled tofu with Szechuan vegetables.

Breakfast: Mango Shake
Lunch: Butternut Squash and CranberryQuinoa Salad (left over from last night’s dinner)
Dinner: Spicy Grilled Tofu with Szechuan Vegetables
(save some for tomorrow’s lunch!)
Snack Option:
Sunflower Lentil Dip with fresh veggies or Whole-Grain Pita Chips (left over from Day 1)

Day 6

Breakfast on day six is our gorgeous and tasty strawberry, almond butter, and oatmeal breakfast parfait. You’ll have leftovers for lunch again today, and then you’ll sink your teeth into a super satisfying quinoa lentil burger for dinner. Snack on our irresistible chai-spiced candied nuts throughout the day, but be sure to save some for tomorrow!

Breakfast: Strawberry, Almond Butter, and Oatmeal Breakfast Parfait
Lunch: Spicy Grilled Tofu with Szechuan Vegetables (left over from last night’s dinner)
Dinner: Quinoa Lentil Burger
Snack Option: Chai-Spiced Candied Nuts
(save some for tomorrow!)

Day 7

You’ll kick off the last day of our 7 day plant based meal plan with a hearty, sweet, and savory bowl of breakfast quinoa. Lunch is an avocado hummus bowl, and dinner is a big bowl of super satisfying and savory slow cooker pumpkin chili. Today, you’ll also snack on those candied nuts you saved from yesterday!

Breakfast: Breakfast Quinoa
Lunch: Avocado Hummus Bowl
Dinner: Slow Cooker Pumpkin Chili
Snack Option:
Chai-Spiced Candied Nuts (left over from yesterday)

Whether you’re a vegan or just trying to eat more meatless meals, this 7 day plant based meal plan is an excellent way to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet. We’ve taken the guesswork and stress of planning out of your weekly menu to make it even easier for you to stay on track and meet all of your wellness goals. Each of these meals is delicious, easy to prepare, and loaded with plant-based protein, nutrients, and flavor!

Are you going to try this 7 day plant based meal plan? What are your favorite plant-based meals? Leave us a comment to let us know!

Enjoyed this post? Check out more:

  • The Ultimate 14-Day Beginner’s Plant-Based Meal Plan with Shopping List
  • Creamy Plant-Based Pasta Sauce
  • One Pot Chicken and Spinach Dinner
  • Plant-Based Portobello Fajita Skillet

Ready for dessert? Here are 6 Vegan Desserts to Satisfy a Sweet Tooth!

Follow us on our socials, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram and subscribe to our eNewsletter, for all of the best plant-based recipes!

7-Day Plant-Based Meal Plan (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.