A Roadmap to Accounting for Equity Method Investments and Joint Ventures (2024)

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    An investor presents an equity method investment on the balance sheet as a single amount. However, the investor must identify and account for basis differences. An equity method basis difference is the difference between the cost of an equity method investment and the investor’s proportionate share of the carrying value of the investee’s underlying assets and liabilities. The investor must account for this basis difference as if the investee were a consolidated subsidiary. To identify basis differences, the investor must perform a hypothetical purchase price allocation on the investee as of the date of the investor’s investment. Once basis differences are identified, the investor tracks them in “memo” accounts and amortizes and accretes them into equity method earnings and losses, depending on the nature of the respective basis difference.

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    When applying the equity method of accounting, an investor should typically record its share of an investee’s earnings or losses on the basis of the percentage of the equity interest the investor owns. However, contractual agreements often specify attributions of an investee’s profits and losses, certain costs and expenses, distributions from operations, or distributions upon liquidation that are different from an investor’s relative ownership percentages. An investor may find it particularly challenging to account for arrangements in which its earnings and losses are not attributed on the basis of the percentage of equity interest the investor owns.

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    If an equity method investee is considered significant to a registrant, the registrant may be required to provide the investee’s separate financial statements or summarized financial information in the financial statement footnotes (or both). The amount of information a registrant must present depends on the level of significance, which is determined on the basis of the results of various tests outlined in SEC Regulation S-X. See Deloitte’s Roadmap SEC Reporting Considerations for Equity Method Investees for more information.

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    Generally, a venturer accounts for its investment in a joint venture the same way it would account for any other equity method investment. However, it is necessary to assess whether a legal entity is in fact a joint venture because this determination may affect the financial statements of the joint venture upon the venture’s initial formation and thereafter. The specific characteristics of the entity must be evaluated.

    The ASC master glossary defines a corporate joint venture as follows:

    A corporation owned and operated by a small group of entities (the joint venturers) as a separate and specific business or project for the mutual benefit of the members of the group. A government may also be a member of the group. The purpose of a corporate joint venture frequently is to share risks and rewards in developing a new market, product, or technology; to combine complementary technological knowledge; or to pool resources in developing production or other facilities. A corporate joint venture also usually provides an arrangement under which each joint venturer may participate, directly or indirectly, in the overall management of the joint venture. Joint venturers thus have an interest or relationship other than as passive investors. An entity that is a subsidiary of one of the joint venturers is not a corporate joint venture. The ownership of a corporate joint venture seldom changes, and its stock is usually not traded publicly. A noncontrolling interest held by public ownership, however, does not preclude a corporation from being a corporate joint venture

    Further, for an entity to be considered a corporate joint venture, it is assumed that venturers have joint control of it. All of the following criteria must be met for a venturer to conclude that an entity is a corporate joint venture under US GAAP:

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    A Roadmap to Accounting for Equity Method Investments and Joint Ventures (2024)


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    Author: Frankie Dare

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    Author information

    Name: Frankie Dare

    Birthday: 2000-01-27

    Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

    Phone: +3769542039359

    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

    Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.