All Baldur's Gate 3 Weapons and Weapon Proficiencies Guide (2024)

This guide explains the different types of weapons, weapon proficiency, skills and strategies for optimizing your build Baldur’s Gate 3.

All Weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3

  • Battleaxes
  • Clubs
  • Daggers
  • Glaives
  • Greataxes
  • Greatclubs
  • Greatswords
  • Halberds
  • Handaxes
  • Hand Crossbows
  • Heavy Crossbows
  • Javelins
  • Light Crossbows
  • Light Hammers
  • Longbows
  • Longswords
  • Maces
  • Mauls
  • Morning Stars
  • Pikes
  • Quarterstaffs
  • Rapiers
  • Scimitars
  • Shortbows
  • Shortswords
  • Sickles
  • Spears
  • Tridents
  • War Picks
  • Warhammers
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In Baldur’s Gate 3, weapons serve as essential tools for dealing damage to hostile characters, including enemies and bosses. They come in various types, each tailored to suit different playable classes, offering unique stats, bonuses, and effects. You can acquire weapons as rewards from quests, buy them from merchants, find them in various locations, or obtain them as drops from defeated enemies and formidable bosses.

Weapon Proficiency in Baldur’s Gate 3

Weapon Proficiency in Baldur’s Gate 3 refers to a character’s level of skill and familiarity with specific types of weapons. Each character class starts with proficiency in certain weapon types, representing their training and natural aptitude for wielding those weapons effectively. Having proficiency in a weapon grants several benefits and affects the character’s combat capabilities.

The two main categories are simple and martial. Simple weapons, such as clubs and maces, are commonly used by many people and can be wielded with proficiency. On the other hand, martial weapons like swords, axes, and polearms require proficiency to maximize damage.

When you are proficient with a weapon, you gain the advantage of adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll whenever you use that weapon. This proficiency bonus enhances your accuracy and chances of landing successful attacks. However, if you attempt to make an attack with a weapon for which you lack proficiency, you won’t benefit from the proficiency bonus on the attack roll.

Classes and Races that Grant Weapon Proficiency

Here’s a list of Races that grant Weapon Proficiency in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Drow: Rapiers, Shortswords, Hand Crossbows
  • Dwarf: Battleaxes, Handaxes, Light Hammers, Warhammers
  • Elf: Longswords, Shortswords, Longbows, Shortbows
  • Githyanki: Greatswords, Longswords, Shortswords

Here’s a list of Classes that grant Weapon Proficiency in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Bard: Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
  • Barbarian: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
  • Cleric: Simple Weapons
  • Druid: Clubs, Daggers, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaves, Scimitars, Sickles, Spears
  • Fighter: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
  • Paladin: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
  • Ranger: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
  • Rogue: Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
  • Sorcerer: Daggers, Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows
  • Warlock: Simple Weapons
  • Wizard: Daggers, Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows

Your character sheet has a section under skills that lists your proficiency in simple and martial weapons.

Weapon Properties

In Baldur’s Gate 3, weapons possess various properties that define their characteristics and how they interact with the game’s mechanics. These weapon properties add depth and strategy to combat, allowing players to make tactical decisions based on the situation at hand. Understanding weapon properties is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of your characters during battles.

Here is a list of all the weapon properties found in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Ammunition: ranged only fired from a weapon.
  • Can’t Dual-Wield: unable to dual-wield with another weapon.
  • Extra Reach: Has increased range and can be used to attack from further away.
  • Finesse: use your choice of Strength or Dexterity whichever is higher.
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Loading: must reload to fire again.
  • Range: determines the range of the weapon.
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.

Choosing the right weapons for your characters, exploiting enemy vulnerabilities, and optimizing attack rolls can make a significant difference in your success throughout Baldur’s Gate 3.

Weapon Skills

Weapon skills are individual skills you get access to by equipping various weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here’s a list of all the weapon skills in Baldur’s Gate 3.

  • Backbreaker: Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone.
  • Brace (Melee): Spend 7.5m of your movement speed and one turn, your Damage Rolls for your Melee Weapon Have Advantage, but you can’t move.
  • Brace (Ranged): Spend 7.5m of your movement speed and one turn, your Damage Rolls for your Ranged Weapon Have Advantage, but you can’t move.
  • Cleave: Swing your Weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
  • Crippling Strike: Swing at an enemy’s legs to deal damage and possibly Cripple them.
  • Flourish: Feint an attack to possibly throw your enemy off balance.
  • Hamstring Shot: Shoot an enemy in the thigh to deal damage and possibly reduce their Movement Speed by 50%.
  • Heartstopper: Smash an enemy’s chest to deal damage.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.
  • Mobile Shot: Make a Ranged Attack while moving.
  • Piercing Shot: Inflicts Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).
  • Pommel Strike: Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy to possibly Daze them (Has a Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws, can’t take Reactions, and loses the Dexterity bonus to their Armour Class).
  • Prepare: Spend 7.5m of your Movement Speed to deal an additional amount of damage with your melee weapon for the rest of the turn.
  • Rush Attack: Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, dealing damage and possibly pushing them Off Balance.
  • Tenacity: When you miss an Attack deal 1 Bludgeoning damage anyway.
  • Topple: Swipe at a creature to knock it Prone.
  • Weakening Strike: Target an enemy’s hands with a non-lethal attack to deal damage and possibly inflict a Weak Grip.

All Weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3

Each weapon type has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of weapon should align with your character’s class, abilities, and combat style. Experimenting with different weapons and finding the ones that suit your character best will lead to more enjoyable and effective gameplay in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Below is a chart of all the weapon types in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Crippling Strike
ClubsSimpleLightConcussive Smash
Piercing Strike
Extra Reach
Brace (Melee)
Rush Attack
Concussive Smash
Pommel Strike
Extra Reach
Rush Attack
Hand CrossbowsMartialLight LoadingPiercing Shot
Mobile Shot
Heavy CrossbowsMartialHeavy
Piercing Shot
Brace (Ranged)
Can’t Dual-Wield
Piercing Strike
Light CrossbowsSimpleTwo-Handed
Piercing Strike
Light HammersSimpleLight
Concussive Smash
Hamstring Shot
Braced (Ranged)
LongswordsMartialVersatilePommel Strike
Rush Attack
MacesSimpleConcussive Smash
MaulsMartialHeavy Two-HandedBackbreaker
Concussive Smash
Morning StarsMartialHeartstopper
Concussive Smash
Extra Reach
Brace (Melee)
Rush Attack
Piercing Strike
Piercing Strike
Weakening Strike
Flourish Lacerate
Piercing Strike
Can’t Dual-Wield
Rush Attack
Can’t Dual-Wield
Rush Attack
Piercing Strike
Crippling Strike
War PicksMartialConcussive Smash
Concussive Smash
Weakening Strike


A versatile two-handed weapon that deals slashing damage. Suitable for Fighters and Barbarians who want decent damage output and the option for single or two-handed use. Here’s a list of the Battleaxe weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.
  • Cleave: Swing your Weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once.
  • Crippling Strike: Swing at an enemy’s legs to deal damage and possibly Cripple them.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.


A simple one-handed weapon dealing bludgeoning damage. Often found in the hands of commoners or Druids, but less favored by experienced adventurers. Here’s a list of the Clubs weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.


A versatile one-handed weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage. Easy to conceal, suitable for Rogues, and can be used for ranged attacks when thrown. Here’s a list of the Dagger weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Finesse: use your choice of Strength or Dexterity whichever is higher.
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).


A martial two-handed weapon dealing slashing damage. Reach and damage make it a popular choice for martial classes seeking a wide melee attack range. Here’s a list of the Glaives weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Extra Reach: Has increased range and can be used to attack from further away.
  • Brace (Melee): Spend 7.5m of your movement speed and one turn, your Damage Rolls for your Melee Weapon Have Advantage, but you can’t move.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.
  • Rush Attack: Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, dealing damage and possibly pushing them Off Balance.


A heavy two-handed weapon, dealing slashing damage with high damage potential. Preferred by Barbarians and Fighters for massive hits. Here’s a list of the Greataxes weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Cleave: Swing your Weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.
  • Prepare: Spend 7.5m of your Movement Speed to deal an additional amount of damage with your melee weapon for the rest of the turn.


A heavy two-handed weapon dealing bludgeoning damage. Similar to Greataxes, but inflicts bludgeoning damage instead. Here’s a list of the Greatclub weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:


A heavy two-handed weapon dealing slashing damage. Another popular choice for heavy-hitting Fighters and Barbarians. Here’s a list of the Greatsword weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Pommel Strike: Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy to possibly Daze them (Has a Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws, can’t take Reactions, and loses the Dexterity bonus to their Armour Class).
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.
  • Cleave: Swing your Weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once.


A martial two-handed weapon with reach, dealing slashing damage. Ideal for characters who want to strike from a distance. Here’s a list of the Halberd weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Extra Reach: Has increased range and can be used to attack from further away.
  • Rush Attack: Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, dealing damage and possibly pushing them Off Balance.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.
  • Cleave: Swing your Weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once.


Simple one-handed weapons dealing slashing damage. Suitable for characters looking for light and versatile options. Here’s a list of the Handaxe weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.

Hand Crossbows

One-handed ranged weapons, allowing characters to fire a crossbow one-handed without a loading property. Here’s a list of the Hand Crossbow weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Loading: must reload to fire again.
  • Piercing Shot: Inflicts Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).
  • Mobile Shot: Make a Ranged Attack while moving.

Heavy Crossbows

Two-handed ranged weapons with higher damage potential. Slower to reload, but powerful in the hands of skilled characters. Here’s a list of the Heavy Crossbow weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Loading: must reload to fire again.
  • Piercing Shot: Inflicts Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).
  • Brace (Ranged): Spend 7.5m of your movement speed and one turn, your Damage Rolls for your Ranged Weapon Have Advantage, but you can’t move.


Simple ranged weapons, suitable for throwing at enemies. Commonly used by characters who want a ranged option without relying on ammunition. Here’s a list of the Javelin weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Can’t Dual-Wield: unable to dual-wield with another weapon.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).

Light Crossbows

One-handed ranged weapons, less powerful than their heavier counterparts, but quicker to reload. Here’s a list of the Light Crossbow weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Loading: must reload to fire again.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).

Light Hammers

All Baldur's Gate 3 Weapons and Weapon Proficiencies Guide (16)

Simple one-handed weapons dealing bludgeoning damage. Versatile and suitable for characters who need a throwing option. Here’s a list of the Light Hammers weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.


Martial ranged weapons with longer range and higher damage output. Ideal for characters who prioritize ranged attacks. Here’s a list of the Longbow weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Hamstring Shot: Shoot an enemy in the thigh to deal damage and possibly reduce their Movement Speed by 50%.
  • Brace (Ranged): Spend 7.5m of your movement speed and one turn, your Damage Rolls for your Ranged Weapon Have Advantage, but you can’t move.


A versatile one-handed weapon dealing slashing damage. Commonly used by Fighters and Paladins, offering both offense and defense. Here’s a list of the Longsword weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.
  • Pommel Strike: Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy to possibly Daze them (Has a Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws, can’t take Reactions, and loses the Dexterity bonus to their Armour Class).
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.
  • Rush Attack: Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, dealing damage and possibly pushing them Off Balance.


Simple one-handed weapons dealing bludgeoning damage. Effective against armored foes. Here’s a list of the Mace weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.


A heavy two-handed weapon dealing bludgeoning damage. Powerful in the hands of characters who want to smash their foes. Here’s a list of the Maul weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Backbreaker: Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.

Morning Stars

A versatile one-handed weapon dealing piercing damage with a bludgeoning option. Offers different damage types and is suited for certain resistances. Here’s a list of the Morningstar weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Heartstopper: Smash an enemy’s chest to deal damage.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
  • Tenacity: When you miss an Attack deal 1 Bludgeoning damage anyway.


A martial two-handed weapon with reach, dealing piercing damage. Provides an advantage for characters who want to stay out of immediate melee range. Here’s a list of the Pike weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Heavy: has increased weight.
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Extra Reach: Has increased range and can be used to attack from further away.
  • Brace (Melee): Spend 7.5m of your movement speed and one turn, your Damage Rolls for your Melee Weapon Have Advantage, but you can’t move.
  • Rush Attack: Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, dealing damage and possibly pushing them Off Balance.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).


Simple two-handed weapons dealing bludgeoning damage. Ideal for characters who wish to focus on spellcasting and melee combat. Here’s a list of the Quarterstaff weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.
  • Topple: Swipe at a creature to knock it Prone.


A one-handed weapon dealing piercing damage, often chosen by swashbuckling Rogues due to its finesse property. Here’s a list of the Rapier weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Finesse: use your choice of Strength or Dexterity whichever is higher.
  • Flourish: Feint an attack to possibly throw your enemy off balance.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).
  • Weakening Strike: Target an enemy’s hands with a non-lethal attack to deal damage and possibly inflict a Weak Grip.


A one-handed weapon dealing slashing damage, suitable for characters with a dexterity focus. Here’s a list of the Scimitar weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Finesse: use your choice of Strength or Dexterity whichever is higher.
  • Flourish: Feint an attack to possibly throw your enemy off balance.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).


Simple ranged weapons, less powerful than longbows, but offer increased mobility and quicker firing rate. Here’s a list of the Shortbow weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Two-Handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Hamstring Shot: Shoot an enemy in the thigh to deal damage and possibly reduce their Movement Speed by 50%.


A versatile one-handed weapon dealing piercing damage, commonly chosen by Rogues for its finesse property. Here’s a list of the Shortsword weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Finesse: use your choice of Strength or Dexterity whichever is higher.
  • Flourish: Feint an attack to possibly throw your enemy off balance.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).


Simple one-handed weapons dealing slashing damage. Less common among adventurers but may be used by Druids or certain rural characters. Here’s a list of the Sickle weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Light: Can be dual-wielded with another Light weapon.
  • Lacerate: Slash at an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Bleeding.


Simple melee or ranged weapons with versatile properties, ideal for characters who prefer adaptability. Here’s a list of the Spears weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Simple
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.
  • Can’t Dual-Wield: unable to dual-wield with another weapon.


A martial one-handed weapon dealing piercing damage, often chosen by characters with aquatic themes or backgrounds. Here’s a list of the Tridents weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Thrown: Melee weapons that are also made to be Thrown.
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.
  • Can’t Dual-Wield: unable to dual-wield with another weapon.
  • Rush Attack: Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, dealing damage and possibly pushing them Off Balance.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to deal damage and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds (Attacks against this creature deal an additional 2 Piercing damage).
  • Crippling Strike: Swing at an enemy’s legs to deal damage and possibly Cripple them.

War Picks

A martial one-handed weapon dealing piercing damage. Effective against heavily armored foes. Here’s a list of the War Pick weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.


A versatile one-handed weapon dealing bludgeoning damage, commonly favored by Clerics and Paladins. Here’s a list of the Warhammer weapon proficiency, properties, and skills:

  • Martial
  • Versatile: Can be used with one or two hands while dealing more damage with two hands.
  • Backbreaker: Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all you might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
  • Weakening Strike: Target an enemy’s hands with a non-lethal attack to deal damage and possibly inflict a Weak Grip.

In this guide, we have covered the basics of weapons and weapon proficiencies in Baldur’s Gate 3. We have discussed the different types of weapons, their properties, and how they can be used. We have also discussed how to get weapon proficiency and how to choose the best weapons for your character.

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All Baldur's Gate 3 Weapons and Weapon Proficiencies Guide (2024)


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