FE Slap Battles Slap royale script MODDED R20 Script - Pastebin.com (2024)

  1. if not game:IsLoaded() then

  2. game.Loaded:Wait()

  3. end

  4. if game.PlaceId == 9431156611 then

  5. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("CombatTab", 1) then

  6. getgenv().Running = true

  7. else

  8. getgenv().Running = false

  9. end

  10. if not getgenv().Running then

  11. local Items = {"Speed Potion","Frog Potion","Frog Brew","Speed Brew","Sphere of Fury","Forcefield Crystal","True Power"}

  12. local HealItems = {["Apple"]=20,["Healing Brew"]=25,["Bandage"]=35,["First Aid Kit"]=50,["Healing Potion"]=80}

  13. local PermItems = {"Potion of Strength", "Boba" ,"Bull's essence", "Strength Brew"}

  14. local Lplr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  15. local Functions = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheesynob39/R20-EXPLOITER/main/Files/Functions.lua"))()

  16. local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Orion/main/source')))()

  17. local healhp=40

  18. local gloveString="Pack-A-Punch"

  19. local healsafestaple=80

  20. local tweenAuraS=300

  21. local tweenAura

  22. local slapAura

  23. local healAura

  24. local namecall

  25. namecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)

  26. local Args = {...}

  27. if getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and tostring(self) == "WS" then

  28. return

  29. elseif getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and tostring(self) == "WS2" then

  30. return

  31. elseif getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and tostring(self) == "AdminGUI" then

  32. return

  33. elseif getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and tostring(self) == "Ban" then

  34. return

  35. end

  36. return namecall(self, ...)

  37. end)

  38. local Coasting=OrionLib:MakeWindow({Name = "R21 Script", SaveConfig = true, ConfigFolder = "OrionR21 Slap Royal"})

  39. local CUMBAT = Coasting:MakeTab("Combat")

  40. CUMBAT = CUMBAT:AddSection("Combat")

  41. local MISCUM = Coasting:MakeTab("Misc")

  42. MISCUM = MISCUM:AddSection("Items")

  43. local Game = Coasting:MakeTab("Game")

  44. Game = Game:AddSection("Map")

  45. local function GetFirstChildren(instance,string)

  46. local Children = {}

  47. for _, Obj in pairs(instance:GetChildren()) do

  48. if Obj.Name == string then

  49. table.insert(Children, Obj)

  50. end

  51. end return Children

  52. end

  53. local function TweenNetworkPart(Part,CFrameValue,TweenStudsPerSec)

  54. local PartFrame=Part.CFrame

  55. local Distance=(CFrameValue.p-PartFrame.p)

  56. local TimeValue=Distance/TweenStudsPerSec

  57. local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")

  58. local humroot = plr.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

  59. local startTween =

  60. tween:Create(

  61. Part,

  62. TweenInfo.new(TimeValue, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0),

  63. {CFrame = CFrameValue})

  64. pcall(startTween.Play,startTween)

  65. return startTween

  66. end

  67. CUMBAT:AddSlider({

  68. Name = "Auto heal at hp",

  69. Min = 0,

  70. Max = 100,

  71. Default = 40,

  72. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0),

  73. Increment = 1,

  74. ValueName = "healhp",

  75. Callback = function(Value)

  76. healhp=Value

  77. end

  78. })

  79. CUMBAT:AddSlider({

  80. Name = "Safe level hp auto heal",

  81. Min = 0,

  82. Max = 200,

  83. Default = 80,

  84. Color = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0),

  85. Increment = 1,

  86. ValueName = "healsafestaple",

  87. Callback = function(Value)

  88. healsafestaple=Value

  89. end

  90. })

  91. CUMBAT:AddToggle(Name = "Slap Aura",Default=false,Callback=function(bool)

  92. slapAura = bool

  93. if bool then

  94. while slapAura == true do

  95. task.wait(.1)

  96. for _, L_8 in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do

  97. if L_8 ~= Lplr then

  98. if L_8.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and L_8.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and not L_8.Character:FindFirstChild("Dead") and not Lplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Dead") then

  99. local magnitude = (L_8.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Lplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude

  100. if 20 >= magnitude then

  101. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.Slap:FireServer(L_8.Character.Torso)

  102. end

  103. end

  104. end

  105. end

  106. end

  107. end

  108. end)

  109. CUMBAT:AddToggle(Name = "Auto Heal HP",Default=false,Callback=function(bool)

  110. if not bool and not Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value then return end

  111. healAura = bool

  112. local function heal()

  113. local LC=Lplr.Character

  114. local LH=LC:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

  115. if not Lh then return OrionLib:MakeNotification({

  116. Name = "Combat",Content = "Auto heal failed",Time = 0.5});

  117. end

  118. local function applyHeal(h)

  119. if h<=healhp then

  120. local p=healhp-h

  121. local LowestHealValue=math.huge

  122. for Item,HpHealed in next,HealItems do

  123. if LC:FindFirstChild(Item) and HpHealed<HealItems[LowestHealValue.Name] then

  124. LowestHealValue=Item

  125. elseif Lplr.Backpack:FindFirstChild(Item) and HpHealed<HealItems[LowestHealValue.Name] then

  126. LowestHealValue=Item

  127. end

  128. end

  129. if LowestHealValue and typeof(LowestHealValue)=="Instance" then

  130. LowestHealValue:EquipTool()

  131. LowestHealValue:Activate() return true

  132. end

  133. end return false

  134. end

  135. if Lh.Health<healhp then

  136. return applyHeal(Lh.Health)

  137. end

  138. return

  139. end

  140. if bool then

  141. while healAura == true do

  142. task.wait(.1)

  143. heal()

  144. OrionLib:MakeNotification({

  145. Name = "Combat",Content = "HEALING",Time = 0.05})

  146. end

  147. end

  148. end)

  149. MISCUM:AddToggle(Name = "Auto Collect All Items",Default=false,Callback= function(v)

  150. if not v and not Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value then return end

  151. pcall(function()

  152. repeat wait()until Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value

  153. local itemint_=0

  154. for _, Items in ipairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do

  155. if Items:IsA("Tool") and not game.Players:FindFirstChild(Items:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA('Model'))and Items:FindFirstChild("Handle") then

  156. Lplr.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(Items.Parent.Parent)

  157. itemint_=itemint_+1

  158. end

  159. end

  160. Lplr.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools()

  161. OrionLib:MakeNotification({

  162. Name = "Items",

  163. Content = "ItemsCollected:"..tonumber(itemint_),

  164. Time = 1.5

  165. })

  166. end)

  167. end)

  168. MISCUM:AddToggle(Name = "Auto Use All Permanent Items",Default=false,Callback= function(v)

  169. if not v and not Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value then return end

  170. pcall(function()

  171. for _, L_3 in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do

  172. if L_3:IsA("Tool") and table.find(PermItems, L_3.Name) then

  173. L_3.Parent = Lplr.Character

  174. end

  175. end

  176. task.wait(.3)

  177. for _, L_4 in pairs(Lplr.Character:GetChildren()) do

  178. if L_4:IsA("Tool") then

  179. L_4:Activate()

  180. end

  181. end

  182. end)

  183. end)

  184. MISCUM:AddToggle(Name = "Auto bomb Bus",Default=false,Callback=function(v)

  185. if not v and not Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value then return end

  186. pcall(function()

  187. repeat wait() until workspace:FindFirstChild("BusModel")

  188. for _, L_5 in ipairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do

  189. if L_5:IsA("TouchTransmitter") and L_5.Parent.Name == "Handle" and L_5.Parent.Parent.Name == "Bomb" and workspace:FindFirstChild("BusModel") then

  190. Lplr.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(L_5.Parent.Parent)

  191. end

  192. end

  193. wait(.1)

  194. for _, L_6 in pairs(lp.Backpack:GetChildren()) do

  195. if L_6:IsA("Tool") and L_6.Name == "Bomb" then

  196. L_6.Parent = Lplr.Character

  197. end

  198. end

  199. wait(.25)

  200. for _, L_7 in pairs(Lplr.Character:GetChildren()) do

  201. if L_7:IsA("Tool") and L_7.Name == "Bomb" then

  202. L_7:Activate()

  203. end

  204. end

  205. end)

  206. end)

  207. MISCUM:AddTextbox({

  208. Name = "Glove",

  209. Default = "Pack-A-Punch",

  210. Callback = function(Value)

  211. gloveString=Value

  212. end

  213. })

  214. MISCUM:AddToggle(Name = "Auto equip glove",Default=false,Callback=function(v)

  215. if not v and Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value then return end

  216. game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteFunctions"):WaitForChild("EquipGlove"):InvokeServer(gloveString)

  217. end)

  218. Tab:AddSlider({

  219. Name = "Tween Speed (DO NOT DO TOO MUCH YOU WILL GET KICKED!)",

  220. Min = 100,

  221. Max = 600,

  222. Default = 300,

  223. Color = Color3.fromRGB(100,100,100),

  224. Increment = 1,

  225. ValueName = "bananas",

  226. Callback = function(Value)

  227. tweenAura=Value

  228. end

  229. })

  230. Game:AddToggle(Name = "Hunt Players",Default=false,Callback=function(v)

  231. tweenAura=v

  232. if v then

  233. while tweenAura==true do

  234. if Lplr.Character.inMatch.Value then

  235. local LC=Lplr.Character

  236. local LHRP=LC:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

  237. for _,p in next,game:GetPlayers() do

  238. local TC=p.Character

  239. local TH=TC:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

  240. local THRP=TC:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

  241. if TH and TH.Health<=0 and TH:FindFirstChild("Ragdolled").Value then

  242. local tw=TweenNetworkPart(LHRP,THRP.CFrame,tweenAuraS)

  243. tw.Completed:Wait()

  244. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.Slap:FireServer(p.Character.Torso)

  245. end

  246. end

  247. end

  248. end

  249. end

  250. end)

  251. Game:AddButton(Name = "Anti Acid", function()

  252. game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("antiAcid").CanCollide = true

  253. end)

  254. Game:AddButton(Name = "Anti Lava", function()

  255. game.workspace:FindFirstChild("antiLava").CanCollide = true

  256. end)

  257. Game:AddButton(Name = "Remove Zone Blur", function()

  258. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ZoneEffects.ZoneBlur:Destroy()

  259. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ZoneEffects.ZoneColorCorrection:Destroy()

  260. end)

  261. local antiAcid = Instance.new("Part", workspace)

  262. antiAcid.Name = "antiAcid"

  263. antiAcid.Size = Vector3.new(154, 26, 132)

  264. antiAcid.Position = Vector3.new(-60, -5, -731)

  265. antiAcid.Transparency = 1

  266. antiAcid.CanCollide = true

  267. antiAcid.Anchored = true

  268. workspace.Map.AcidAbnormality.Acid:Destroy()

  269. workspace.Map.AcidAbnormality.Acid:Destroy()

  270. workspace.Map.AcidAbnormality.Acid:Destroy()

  271. local antiLava = Instance.new("Part", workspace)

  272. antiLava.Name = "antiLava"

  273. antiLava.Position = Vector3.new(-238, -43, 401)

  274. antiLava.Size = Vector3.new(150,10,150)

  275. antiLava.Anchored = true

  276. antiLava.Transparency = 1

  277. antiLava.CanCollide = true

  278. end

  279. end

FE Slap Battles Slap royale script MODDED R20 Script - Pastebin.com (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.