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Allora was known as a “distinctly Italian restaurant with uniquely Texan flavors."
Coastal Italian restaurant Allora, located across Avenue B from the Pearl, has permanently closed, an official from its operating group confirmed Tuesday.
Brannon Swindle, director of hospitality for San Antonio'sMaverick Restaurant Group, told the Currentthat the high-end dining spot was shuttered over the weekend.
Swindle said fine-dining restaurants face a "tough market" right now. He noted that Allora's sister concept, the more casual Arrosta, ceased operation in June, followed by Pearl stalwart Botika, which wasn't a Maverick property.
Allora's location also might have been part of the issue, Swindle added, explaining that the eatery struggled to draw Pearl visitors to its location across the street.
Much like the demise of its sister restaurant Arrosta, Allora's departure was unceremonious and sudden. As of Tuesday, no signs of permanent closure have been posted on its doors, and the owners haven't shared details on the dining spot's website or social media accounts.
News initially trickled out among members of the local service industry. Early tributes included a heartfelt post by former Allora head chef Robbie Nowlin, who also served as executive chef at Maverick Texas Brasserie.
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"What a remarkable kitchen it was, indeed. Thank youto all that helped open and worked hard as f*ck tocreate something that was special," Nowlin said in a Facebook post. "You all certainlyknow who you are."
It might not be arrivederciforever, though.
"We aren't quitters," said Swindle, who added that Maverick Restaurant Group will put Allora's furniture in storage and is looking at other potential locations.
For now, the group helmed by restaurateur Peter Selig will continue offering an elevated dining experience with Maverick Texas Brasserie, Biga and Acenar.
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