Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia (2024)

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Virginia Gazettei

Williamsburg, Virginia

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HOW WOODEN CARS WERE SMASHED IN NEW HAVEN WRECK TELLS HIS E'SMUDIE UX KING MANUEL Wedding Is Carried Out Sues to Have His Sanity Es be GANNOT1OGAT PETERSBURGER oLVili'wl P' uvr phy and 'iv1' graft a Veve Tb Mayor ba pn auLerinK nor a rurrerce of th: oat trouble for ce become IS WERDER T8 PRINCESS He Makes An Attack On Tammany and Murphy in a Statement CHARLTON MS GHASTLY TRUNK tablished in Pennsylvania 1 Seeks Estate nary upon Vi Ill tlntio rt Uli rtflAlUfa SV under pain of having her on extradition in Ore if turned JoOsC He bns a wife and i I rftrtnpr home was nr Tthhlmore but Petersburg hts home for yyars th uuvut 114 util 0 HHlliH J' nmiui I flJIU IB cry unny about i iur iiivn imSBCRfi TA Special Through hlA attorney Gover nnr A Stone Harry Thaw this morning filed a salt hi the (rphan Court demanding that he he ghen a trial by jury in Al legheny to determine hfc sanity VVW Mayor Wil liam Gaynor) who on Wednesday Accepted an Independent nomination tor re election nnexpectfdly sailed for Europe yesi iday for a two' vacation Mayor Gaynor haa been HI lor two weeks and weak vhen he boarded Ute Baltic that he could hardly stand Just an he aallfng the i a statement attacklig Tam No wonder they are (eroeioue agafnM me" said the Mayor for they have had lour lean humfry years i refused to turn a single oily This nhotocraoh shows what happened when ze zt i rv ft I Pfl nne MvuniiUM wi Iw nnlv iniunng thirty one Scattered about is the OiVVH' 1 GAYNOR Off TO EUROPE jHyvr nor wLHr return SvphmbfcJf ZZtb MIE is AWARDED VKIthJOT IN JJNtlimWI AGAINST Jf EH YN VA SrerI A llty in the corporation Court thia afternoon awarded Mrs 1 uelh Boyd S3JH0 dagfirnrs against nr stepson Harry Boyd uod for I ooo damages for slander THAWDENIANDS HEARING I 'J I i ruuM by thj old wound m4t by a 11 boUt fe TitUl PLEADS EARNESTLY AGAINST DEPORTATION ter I PETERSBURG VA Gebrge Doetzer a well know'n bual neea man of this city doing ft pros perous grocery business at the corner of New and Harrison Streets is mlss Tfr Hoelzer loft of buat new yesterday morning saying that he was going to thtf bank to make ft deposit since whir time he has not been hruru ironi two email children Mr Hoelzer fJindRdown M1 nitiiln I lltia thA UflRt Ave thiHv vcnm of ar with dark hair and eyes shaven tfft lli i rvt'ia fl I Mfl 1 1 Hl'fl SI C' pin miuiiru no r' iiaoncati Lusaeigot lI Mr TMnmol lil' afternoon Sherbrooke where they IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Special After spending a three vacation at Ws horn In Cornish 1 rebl dent V'ilson returned to ashington i at o'clock today and soon asat his desk in the White House vn iizswm nvrA thf fiariCte 01 a Aeor nf sr ftkRP aS Tre fr'T ur 9 unuisov A ni ryk hit rrl the xru' ci me rate car from Windsor Vt to New iHsivn Conn P4sjjpnt WI1on passed the scene at Wallingford Corner about Iz ruzht and from his rear platforni much of the ruin of the recked Pullmans With True Spirit of 1 Royalty and Pomp SIGMARINGEN GERMANY Spec ial King Manuel ot Portugal was married to Princess Augustine Victoria of Hohenzoltern in the castle ot the father here today liefore the religious rites a civil ceremony was conducted by Count Au gust Eulenburg who Is empowered to conduct such functions by reason of the high office he holds Princess Augustine was given away by her father our royal princesses were btlucs maiflB The bride wore a white satin gown with a long train trimmed with lace which has been in the family for many decades Sigmaringen Castle is a Pic turesque spot setting high on a rockj promontory above the JJanube brom its windows can be seen a mighty stretch of uplands running down to the wooded banks ot the Danube The wedding gifts cost a fortune The roynlists ot Portugal collected 12(1000 ami sent some 1 handsome plate the groom presented his bride with a costly string of pearls King George and Queen Mary of England sent a silver dinner service and Queen Mother Alexandra of England sent a gold wino service To many who saw Manuel marr leu must have recurred memories of old time tales that linked the name of 1 Manuel to that ot Gaby Deslys the rench dancing girl with whom he was infatuated just before the down 1 cently Gaby came to Europe om America but there was no that she would attempt to make a scene or prevent the marriage of her former royal gweeineniu JSSVE ORDER AGAINST KEATTY IRM ENVOY LINO TEELS PRESIDENT THAT HLIEMS CAPITULATED Agrees Not to Seek Re Election as Mexican President Made Verbal Agreement Through Minister Gamboa tml A WASHINGTON ILC speuwi Snecial Envoy John Lina nas icyviu WtlLnn that hp TYOW re IQ KMUril gards his mission to Mexico as having nr ot 1 1 i it nn iri Mr Lind's confidence is on the conviction that the one great ob stacle in the way of agreement be 1 tween the United States and Mexico at last has been removed Direct and positive assurance nai General Huerla will not be a canal date for the presidency of Mexico at the coming election has been given to the government of the United States by rederico Gamboa Minister of oreign Affairs Gamboa who has acted as General Huerta's spokesman in the negotia tions with the United Stas assurance to Nelson Shaughnessy American Charge d'Affaires kept in constant touch with the Mexi can foreign office since Mr Lind tell Mexico City for Vera Cruz It was given verbally but is regarded by Mr and ecreary Bryan as none the less valuable on that ac count Upon his ar rival at the White House from Cornishl 11 yesteraay a re port from Mr con taining details of hia negotiations with Gamboa was Wilaon by Secretary Bryan There was also a report from Mr ring the same ground Mr Lind has I I COATI OK QUJL A ijRllamo and Keen niailc an luv mw ul effort to day to in injunction re training the immigration offl er tnu1 deienimg tnaw 1wfore becomes effective TIT arsuwl tor tluw hours 1 I'WP ed ikitnu before JuUv Hmdilnm nu at ohkImmou the sutid: nwentlemen I hae done all I van in lK TliaTA When hi ntu wa communi rated to Owyax looked ctc! fallen and urprd hi Uun to frth endeavor nrlwinTVTTnK THAW W1THOIT DEIjAY WASHINGTON I) Special Tli Postofflce Department today an nounced the Issuance of a fraud I or der against the Columbian BC'lty Company of Sydney Bancouver Is land British Columbia The real es tate concern wm convicted on el nce obtained by postoffice Iwpre tors using the United Mates malls to defraud STEPMOffl wins SUIT OR SUM NOROLK VA But for the timely action of Vernon Nowltzky Sam Girehon a newsboy would have )ot his life beneath the wheels of a car after the ball game near the Eighteenth Street car barns No wltzky 6ivi the'lad fall ixnei grabbed this foot just In time to keep the car from passing over his body Glrshon with several of his com panions made a rush tor the car after the game and were scrambling aboard for a seat when another boy was shoved off falling against Gir shon who fell under the car just as it was starting oft Scores of people were standing around and it seemed that' the boy 1 would be killed Nowltzky who was standing near the center Of tho car saw predicament and grab bed him by the feet The next instant the car passed over the spot where the boy had fallen 1 Thaw declares that he is sane and that ho was stuie at the time lie Hied the suit in which be ie inaniled SiiOt'lMt from the idelity Title and Trust Company who uro cuswdians of the trust fund left for the layer by his father NEWSBOY SAVES CHUM ROM TROLLEY CAR pariuaii of Immigration said ils sftiTihMti that be cxp 'Cicd Hrry Thaw Uj be lcjuru'a without deUy a ecnifiente from a Canadian dvlor to the rflect that Daw inline or the lictun of an Infection he rail imn odl dely said Mr Blair 'Under certain rirniii tsnfw there enn be an apjs to the Minister of Hosviei we are whln ul oifleial news from MUK' ON JUSTICE" 5 we 'i' Raising Uie point that he i mere ly a traveler fiassing through Hrrr Ttiat fugitive 4 deporta tian took the tana uv fore the Immigration Iiepart nient Hoard of Inquiry today and promised tle Canadian Govern ment that he would go straight io I Mich and take Ids Tumees Tnited Tliaw i iifled that he ws en route for ito burg by a round about course when arrested He nmde an exoeBeni topresdon as a witness Shunleff attorney of record lor Thaw a pes'dmictic saving be that He Do minion Government at Ottawa had given order a for Thaw to be railroaded and that nothing court save him At the Board Inquiry adwmrned until 2 1 fnr TkfiU branded the uiuruim: proceeding beforei a a On jus ivte car from Windsor Vu to COATICOC'JL QUE A ter a hngthv delay tne board of inquiry width will pars on Harry Thaws aanny onv ned shortly before neon Thkw 'w the first witness I He made a good Irrprawlon by Mr KolerUcn as to Low he caune to os on Canacian hull Thaw said that shea be Mattes rfsrtwl lor Pltusbuifo by a roun5abui or(3pr to clrcum i a Art ni? purpuers Hfc ye A as Hucleet'r said by meter car He wanted to reach the first rail we point in Canada where rri srh tlfket tU PlLS CvUiU MU a irerg He Sees Blood Stains of at' Roehetur that he Woman He Murdered and Is Not Horrified tlrpet at alls Beecher I yn happened to be the Utt station COMO ITALY Special Tnterroga on ti Maine Central Railroad of Porter Charlton the twenty Thaw got oE lie train there and en fourjarvd American uxcrcide by gaged a man to drive him over the Examining Judge Rognon! and Signor border He hten'lci he Raid to inafe waB completed today Charlton was conironvcu vk trunk in which ha hid his body wra ti i Yi rtr iv hi iui a it? a at ra Tb low uunooH minutes looKing at toe vjww frlgbieutd Linet fetainr tut did not flinch i Thr vniinr Yr uuebuvmw I about his wife Liid hlrta iai ik c1d se 1 1 1 oir Wlth her She had been previously married but was divorced when she was thirty seven years old She had been an actress and had once tried to shoot a man In a tew xotk iuvr wirting her efur they had friendly The date of the trial will next week SOCIETY worn SENE TO JAIL ON CHARGES BLACKMAILING Letter Alleged to Have Been Written by Her Warns Woman That $3000 Is Price of Young Love CLEVELAND Ar raigned before umtea states uu missioner Edward Darst Mrs Mar garet A Carter a society woman of Elyria 0 pleaded not guilty to a charge made by the ederal authori ties of using the mails to defraud The hearing was continued until ri day Ball was fixed at and as it was ''not furnished Mrs Carter was remanded to the county jail It Is charged that Mrs Carter who was arrested at her hom*o at mid night wrote to Miss Lillian Hunting ton daughter of Huntington retired business man and well known great lakes yachtsman asking for 53000 under pain of having her fiance a young Cleveland clubman taken from her Letter Tells of Engagement In the letter she is alleged to have represented herself as a young wo man whom Miss fiance had promised to marry suggesting that it the Elyria society girl wants the young man she must Tiay the stipulated sum or the writer will take him herself Miss Huntington Is the grand daughter of John Huntington wealthy Clevelander who on his death $1000000 for an art museum now being constructed Mrs Carter fifty is the wife of a retired tobacco man ufacturer and had moved in the best circles in Elyria Mrs Carter denies she wrote the letter Miss Huntington figured In the news two years ago While a student at Brlarcliffe School New York she accompanied her mother on a trip to Asheville There she met Dwight Dawley son of a furniture manufacturer of Wheeling IV Va They eloped Dawley was twenty one and Miss Huntington sixteen Later Mrs Huntington ner aaugnie: to Elyria and subsequently a divorce was obtained Miss Huntington being restored to her maiden name Dozen Others Get Letters 4 The letter addressed to Miss Hunt ington was signed Rose" As sistant United States District Attor ney Alburn says that she received another and more threatening letter over the same signature He added: Huntington Is not the only person thus approached Over a dozen persons Cleveland and other northern Ohio towns have received threatening letters with the Intent ot extorting money The hand writing in all these caseo agrees Postoffice Inspectors Cochran and Owen worked in Elyria several weeks gahcring the information that leu to the arrest virginlTairman i IS KILLED LYING SAN DIEGO CALL Special Lieu tenant Mom Love of the army aviation camp on North Island was killed today when he' lost control ot tils aeroplane tn a glide to earth and foil about 300 feet Ho had been In the air ftboqt forty four minutes when ho HtartedrtO gnuo iron: a nt su 2 000 feet Lieutenant Love was member of the Eleventh Cavnlry and a native of Virginia Hiw Narrow Ewcape STAUNTON VA Sept Avtator Edleman narrowly escaped death and htd bls biplane smashed to pieces at 1 today in a flight nt the fair giounds here This was his second flight in three days and his second frill He prpbably owes his life to the' fiffit that propeller was in front Instead Of behind hls mnchlne Two Killed In Germany BR1EO GERMANY Sept Aviation has now claimed 31 9 huinnn lives 'Lleiitenantvvon i kenbrecher and Lieutenant of the air corps At the linfloriM atmy were killed when a wing ot their ftoroplftno eol lapsed today while thuy were 100 foul In the air been kept constantly Informed of de velopments at Mexico City and in hts capacits of adviser to the American embassy has exercised a alrecting hand over the negotiations between the embassy and the foreign office Slokc or Huerta Mr Lind and Mr are not oversanguine this menas that asMj rance has 1 glen for and in behalf of General Huerta that the two proposals contained in Mr second note to Mr Gumbw date of August 25th will be complied That the election called' for October 26th "shall be held In acor dance with the constitutional las of That General lr the manner Indicated by the Prertdent of the United States give the assur ance that he will not be a candidate for the presidency containing I ft Ar Ki i voy President Instructions this fa of the Portuguese throne vv ri 1 in I IiUrOllB second proposal ihfw words "A satisfactory settlement sms to us to be conditioned on (c) the con sent of General HOf rta to bind h'mself not to be a candidate for President of the republic at this elec tion" i Obstacle RemooM It hss been evident since the text of the written exchanges between Mr Lind and Gamboa was made public that the one point ot tween the two governments wns th possibility ''I General Huertas candi dacy for the Shorn of ns surpiuM bluster second note ert the way to the removal ot this 01 great stumbling block Gamboa on that note laid strew upon two points The first of these was that General Huerta had never announced hia tandldacy for the presidency that no political club or party had mode him its candidate and that the sug gestion of his posaibla candidacy came only from thg American Government The second am! more important poinl was that under the terms of the constitution of Mexico a provisional president cannot be a candidate tn sued ed himself While Gambon's statement cpul1 not be taken by the United Klab a a siiHleiwnt guarantee that rta woum torca It was a Ijaala for further nego oklng to definite guur J'rvad nt Wilson of Blake Robertson deputy super i intendent of the Department of Im migration and Immigration Iiupec Williams David Reynolds Gareea They Serveu no tice upon Thaw's attorneys that they I would sit Mt 9 and would ex fpedtte the rase as much as possible aiio too much time has been lost already" Ciitlelscs Official dtnrnv shurtlefl criticised the ofii iclals of the Department ot Immigrii uon for refusing to anew a coaiuia iM to allow the evidence alienists 1 to be introonceu ror insw ns vrhinh 'rRigW AVJijt (he I Department immigration charges iUnw not only with Mine aa'unoe Mrable alen tut with entering the country by stealth Various reports were current hete 1 One was that Thaw would be over the 1 border by riday How eve counsel 'Tt pre st niirs Thaw declared that th iwas not possible According to them I the finding of the Board of Inquiry (must be sent by mail 10 the Ministry Justice in Ottawa and there up V'CM 1 This being the case it wouio vc 'three or tour days for the deportation (order to receive the affirmation of the 'Da minion government which course would mean that Thaw might here until next week are seeking muthods of delaying ''action by the Minister of Junie' titlier hv ai n3 0 injunction If they uccefibful Thaw's stay in Canada wnuiti ov iinicumw Thaw's composure was shaken by cpi'eaTsnc of Ms who has desreed him e'er since the tight he shot Stanford Mhite New want to go back to Matte cried Thaw ould ra ther than go back to that hell hole ot ravine maniais Tills is rnwmw fit oniv tor a barbarous country Thaw is now only nine miles from I the L'niied htates border Tne program of the authorities is to i rush Thaw over the line as quickly as a touiHg car can carry him whenever deportation orders are signed He HI be delivered up to the sheriff of the countv in which he finds himself Dozens of private detectives from New York State will keep pace witn the Thaw auto rsvx haan rDOTlB fn Thaw 1H411 Ul iUlliC Oiail i forcibly and then dash across Vermont land New Hampshire with Thaw a prisoner In an automobile I rs bie srest crowd in the history ot is tiHing provincial fair in tnerDruvse anu A a public attraction Thaw had the Sherbrooke fair beaten all hollow I It was here that Thaw was firstlodged In jail after being arrested by John Boudreau before being taken to SL rancis jali in Sherbrooke of hU8 York New Haven and Hartford Railroad pulling the 1 Ulie Ul fVnn HIT tWCntY I) rtitijr Ji xxm Sprashed inm the rear end of ffie ol 1 occurred The third it on its side beside the track way to Coaticook and purchase a TCIV S'tXLLJUL fc sULrPon the man Thaw Como th border Hue into va aaa irn 'hi ft SI 1 testified tnatiw A snvowr a be AdE ed'm go on Thaw and hu cOfflpaEK'uf iiwt uDg Puigert Thompson ailxntcc 1 a (image from Octave Nadieu to drive TrrrX tl' a a en A ft 1 (UtM LW S'" Btrjamln Caffieux Cadseux was on the tftd when the bearing adjourned at uou until 2 Preceding Use Sw fOon COAT1COOK Ql'E rpecia! The Board of Inquiry which will determineaa to the deportation Harry Thaw met1 thin morning The bearing Before the board was late iu getting started La i a iwn to represent Thaw suddenly Irtt CoaU cook just before the examination be gan giving rise to the report that new hau as corpus proceeding were to be fiommeneed Greensbleld another impor tant member of the Tnaw legal array suddenly kft and is beliwed to be either in OLtawu on UU there AJthovh Ttiaw had Lean ws rted ty Attorney McKeown that th dectaton of the board would probably be against him he a more cheer ful than he had been for several hoursThaw in hh quarter tn the immigration Bullffing decUrmg that department and T'Vk former district attorney of Be Vojk were In league to railroad him back Shortly twfore o'clock Tbaw ra MrsVilliam Thaw which read a bravo SheerC I am coming to ihy wrlfton took a lHUUwWw 1 for Ma whkb ha ate with apparwil reUak 'Then summoned I the newspaper rowt There are coiiap: nvi vnw ais inTrTvot lost hop nd I UBv ihrt ilm bo are in tv rush me out the oouritTX In tuuw of law and jUjUce will not pre Board Inquiry is cornppied Declares He Was Trjing to Reach in aRoundabout Way A a I wirngw rr: Mrt i a 'v 4JEWW 4 is i Vi liK Ti' ii I JijKE sa e' A hCMtAKc 'gTZSaiMWi jmM wit wTjjMnT 8.

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Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia (2024)


Why is Williamsburg Virginia so important? ›

Williamsburg was the thriving capital of Virginia when the dream of American freedom and independence was taking shape. From 1699 to 1780, Williamsburg was the political, cultural and educational center of what was then the largest, most populous and most influential of the American colonies.

What is the local newspaper for Williamsburg, VA? ›

Virginia Gazette, your hometown paper

Williamsburg's #1 paid newspaper with a bi-weekly print product since 1736.

How do I contact the Virginia Gazette? ›

To report non-delivery: 757-220-2224. Call between 7-10 a.m. Wednesday or Saturday, A replacement copy will be brought to you. To subscribe or other circulation requests: 757-220-1736.

How often is the Virginia Gazette published? ›

The Virginia Gazette is the local newspaper of Williamsburg, Virginia. Established in 1930, it is named for the historical Virginia Gazette published between 1736 and 1780. It is published twice a week in the broadsheet format.

What is the most famous street in Williamsburg? ›

1. Bedford Avenue. Bedford Avenue, the main strip of Williamsburg, is the epitome of trendy Brooklyn culture. This bustling street is lined with a plethora of restaurants, shops, and cafes, making it the perfect place for a leisurely stroll, shopping spree, or culinary adventure.

What is the oldest city in Virginia? ›

Poquoson is the oldest continuously named city in Virginia. The term "poquoson" was used to describe a boundary line between 2 elevated tracts of land. Such a boundary contained a stream, river, or creek with its adjoining marsh which lay between 2 tracts of higher ground.

Who owns the Virginia Gazette? ›

The Daily Press, founded in 1896, serves the Virginia Peninsula and owns The Virginia Gazette in Williamsburg as well as Tidewater Review in the greater West Point area.

What is the main newspaper in Virginia? ›

USA Today is the largest daily newspaper published in Virginia also one of the most widely circulated daily newspapers in the United States.

Does UVA have a newspaper? ›

The Cavalier Daily - University of Virginia's Student Newspaper.

Who is the editor of the Virginia Gazette? ›

Kim O'Brien Root is the editor of The Virginia Gazette and Tidewater Review.

How do I search the Gazette? ›

The easiest way to start a search on The Gazette is to head to the All notices section of the website. Notices in The Gazette can be searched for in several ways: search by text. search by notice type.

How do I publish in the Government Gazette? ›

How do I advertise a notice in the Gazette? Direct with the Government Printing Works. Dial (012) 748, then either 6211 / 6206 / 6210 / 6205 / 6208 / 6212 / 6207 / 6209.

Is the Gazette still printed? ›

The London Gazette claims to be the oldest surviving English newspaper. It was first published on 7 November 1665. It is not a normal newspaper with typical news stories. The London Gazette is still published each weekday, except for Bank Holidays.

What day is the Gazette published? ›

The London Gazette is produced each working day and will contain notices published online the day before. The Edinburgh Gazette is produced every Monday and Wednesday and will contain notices published online in the preceding days.

What days does the post-Gazette print? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has an average paid circulation of more than 83,000. On Thursdays and Sundays, print editions are available for home delivery and on newsstands throughout the region. PGe publishes every day and is updated around the clock, as news breaks.

Why is Williamsburg so historic? ›

It was here that John Smith met with the Paramount Chief and his daughter, Pocahontas. The first permanent European settlement in the region was established by English colonists in 1607 along the river that they renamed the James. Jamestown became the first capital of English Virginia.

What is special about Williamsburg Brooklyn? ›

Williamsburg used to be populated primarily by artists and immigrants. It is now mostly gentrified with spillover from Manhattan, however it is an influential hub for fashion, music, art, food and nightlife.

Why do people love Williamsburg? ›

Williamsburg is a Brooklyn living area with a rich history and a unique character. Some of the notable features of the living area include the stunning views of the Manhattan skyline from the waterfront, the iconic street art that adorns many buildings, and the many historic landmarks that dot the neighborhood.

What was the problem with Colonial Williamsburg? ›

Staying at Colonial Williamsburg is expensive and it appears the standards of the property are not up to the task of the amount you are charged. 1. An employee, dressed in costume, yelled at us when we were looking for parking next to the Orlando Jones Kitchen. There were no barricades or signs saying keep out.


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.