Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

J. his Bart, Martin all to CHICACO NATTY TRIBUNE: WEDNESDAY. 'APRIC 20. 1932. 19 JURORS ACQUIT 1 ALLEGED REDS; FIRED BY JUDGE Calls Verdict a Travesty on Justice.

Eleven alleged communists who were arrested March 12, in a riotous demonstration at the north end of the Michigan avenue bridge during which three policemen were shot, were found not guilty last night by a Jury of ten unemployed men before Indeed Thomas A. Green, in the jury branch of the Municipal court. Angered over their verdict, Judge Green assailed the jurors. branded their findings as a travesty on justice, and summarily discharged them from further service. They had another week to serve.

Unemployed Parade. The acquittal came soon after communist parade on the south side, in which several thousand men and women, half of them Negroes, participated. The parade started in the afternoon at various centers, chiefly at 47th and Federal streets, and wound up in the stockyards district. Scores of police guarded the march. There was no violence.

The jury deliberated more than three hours in reaching its verdict. As it was read, Judge Green arose from his chair, and addressed the ten. We tried this case fairly," he said. It was prosecuted fairly. Your verdict is a travesty on justice.

We might as well break down the courts. "Never Serve Again." From the evidence presented in this case you might have discharged one or two of the defendants, but not all of them. So far as this court is concerned, you'll never serve here as jurors again. Mr. Bailiff, get these men out of my court.

I don't want them around at all." The jurors were paid off and dismissed. None of them commented on the court's criticism. defendants originally numbered fourteen, charged with rioting and resisting arrest. One of them, Steve Chuck, accused of shooting the three policemen, was granted a severance. and the charges against Reiba.

17 years old, 1820 Evergreen avenue and Carl Thompson, 28, of 1918 Turner avenue, were dropped. Advocated Destruction. Those found not guilty were Bryan Moss, Ben Koblentz, Mrs. Anna Rejba, Rich, Weiner, William Frank Cordisco, William Wortovitch, Morris Krivin, Anna Grossman, and Ida Mittelman. Assistant State's Attorney Robert Klenha argued that the defendants had gathered in unlawful assembly to advocate destruction of the government.

The defense lawyer, Albert Goldman, pleaded that his clients had violated no worse laws than that of blocking traffic. He cited the constitutional guarantees of free speech and right of assembly. STATE FUNERAL RITES TODAY FOR SENATOR HARRIS Washington, D. April of the late Senator William Harris, of Georgia, will chamber gather to- at morrow to mourn his passing at a state funeral. Carrying out the wishes of his widow, the senate today agreed to hold funeral services in the chamber, after which the body will be to his home city, Cedartown, for burial.

Invitations were sent this afternoon to the President, members of his cabi net, members of the house, the diplomatic corps, and other government dignitaries attend. The Rev. Z. Barney Phillips, chaplain of the senate, will preach the funeral service. Senator King of Utah was ordered to his home today, suffering from a severe attack of grippe.

Other Radio Stations Simmons and orchestra. WMAQ. Stebbins boys. WENR. Goldbergs.

WENR. Jones and Ernie Hare. WMAQ. Time. WLS.

Old Counselor. WMAQ. Moments. WLS. of Sherlock Holmes.

WMAQ. Moore, soprano. Revelers quartet. KYW. Rice.

soprano, Nathaniel Shilkret's orchestra. WENR. Waller Borden. WLS. Nolan's orchestra.

WMAQ. Rice. Elinor Smith, and James Melton. WENR. that satisfies.

Ruth Etting. WEBM. nights. KYW. and Marge.

WBBM. and Andy. WENR and WMAQ. Joy and ol' Hunch. WENR.

KENOSHA BOOZE RING BOSS SLAIN IN WILD FLIGHT (Picture on back page.) Oregon, April Tarallo, 37, reputed boss of southern Wisconsin rum ring. was pursued by enemies and slain while fleeing in a car at breakneck speed along state highway 2, between here and Byron, tonight. With sixteen wounds in his head and shoulders, rallo died in the Oregon hospital. The pursuit and killing of the bootlegger, who lived at 3906 Taft road, Kenosha, were witnessed by a B. E.

Hallgren, typewriter salesman of Rockford, who was jogging home in his flivver when two cars flashed past. Before Hallgren's eyes the car in which Torallo was fleeing bounded into a ditch and was wrecked while the killers' automobile speeded on. Hallgren aided deputies to extricate the victim from the wreckage. The speedometer had jammed at 90 miles an hour. The back of the car was spattered with bullet holes and a rear window was shattered.

Tarallo had a loaded .45 caliber pistol in his hip pocket. Kenosha police told authorities here that Tarallo, known there a8 The Immune," was undoubtedly killed by rival gangsters. In 1928 he was tried for a $5,000 Kenosha theater holdup and acquitted while two alleged accomplices, who had named him as their principal, were convicted and imprisoned. Federal agents from Milwaukee, raiding three Kenosha county stills last week, insisted that the largest plant, containing 75,000 gallons of mash and 3,800 gallons of alcohol, was owned by Tarallo. Frank Buttera, arrested as tender of the still, refused to name his employer.

Edwin W. Meese, Former Evanston Resident, Dead Edwin W. Meese, formerly of Evanston, died Monday following an operation for appendictis in Madison, friends here learned yesterday. Mr. Meese was Chicago district manager of the De Laval Separator company until a year ago when he moved to Madison.

He was a member of the Sunset Country club, Illinois Athletic association, and Rotary club of Chicago. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 2 3 5 8 9 12 13 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 142 45 44 45 46 147 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Across 2. Preacher 24. 45. Article 52.

For in a gun 10. Soak 25. Worry 46. Ceremony 53. Knock 12.

Everyday 27. Finest 47. Bird 54. Coil 13 Help! 28. Forwarded 48.

Metal 57. Cunning 15. Vehicle 29. Forward 50. Proceed 58.

Single woman 16. Pronoun 30. True 17. Apex 31. Position DID YOU SOLVE PUZZLE 18.

Entrance 34. Ostentation Wearisome 38. Prevents YESTERDAY? HERE'S HOW: 19. 21. Produced 42.

Groove 22. 23. Bright 44. Compete Color 43. Brave SLOOP FIRST Down TRY ARE 1.

Filler 28. Cry ETHER DEARS 3. Freezing 31. Before 4. Not 32.

Escaped EWE ERE DOT 5. Exempt 33. High 6. Odors 34. By LORE LYES 7.

Last Toward 36. 35. Beginning NOOSE 8. Part of engines 9. Made of wood 37.

Pastry SAND DARE 10. Neckpiece 39. Swears 11. Conceit 40. Competes ODE ASS RUM 14.

Gone 49. Viper '13. Condition 41. Shabby ROWER LARGE 19. Awkward per- 51.



Pat. Copyright, 1932, by The. Tribune. SNOOZING NATION IS SCORCHED BY LEADER OF D. A.

R. Mrs. Hobart Appeals for Attack on Reds. Washington, D. April call for a counter attack against the malign influences of radicals, pacifists and racketeers was sounded today by Mrs.

Lowell Fletcher Hobart, president general of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Addressing the continental congress of the D. A. R. for the last time as Its president, Mrs.

Hobart asserted that alien internationalists, pacifists and criminals are undermining the security ct American institutions. Backing up her plea for a united front against these influences, Mrs. Hobart sketched a sordid picture of conditions which she said existed in this depreesion period. Warns of Red Influence. "Disarmament caravans," she warned, are moving on Chicago to secure a pacifist plank in the national platforms of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

Alien internationalists are taking advantage of the economic situation to instill their propaganda into the homes and schools of the country. Hatred against the United States government is generated among the unemployed and the distressed for many reasons. Crime is coming to our very doors. An aroused motherhood looks to the executive, legislative and Judicial authorities to check and control crime." Apologizes for Hoover. Mrs.

Herbert Hoover, guest of honor the morning session, advised the delegates that the President would be unable to address the congress. She said that with 100 conferences scheduled to be held in Washington this spring, the President decided to refrain from setting a precedent by speaking at any of them. Both in her address and in her report to the delegates Mrs. Hobart appealed to the D. A.

R. to go into the schools and combat communistic doctrines, to go into meeting places and counteract mischevlous propa ganda and to rededicate America to the ideals of George Washington. While we hesitate and delay, others are plotting by daylight and through the hours of darkness to capture young people. While we sleep the communists are on duty," Mrs. Hobart said.

The privilege of license has taken the place of liberty. A crisis needs citizenship. The country has a right to expect unending fidelity from each of us." MILLER IS AGAIN CHOSEN HEAD OF DENTAL SOCIETY Dr. Howard C. Miller was reflected president of the Chicago Dental society at the annual election of the organization in the Palmer house last night.

The votes, counted early this morning, showed that he defeated his opponent, Dr. Gail M. Hambleton, 734 to 574. The election was marked by a campaign between the regular candidates headed by Dr. Miller and an Independent group led by Dr.

Hambleton over the corporate practice of dentistry. The independents declared uncompromising opposition to any form of such practice. The regulars also declared opposition to corporate clinics and charged the independent group's campaign was a demagogic appeal." Other officials elected with Dr. Miller on the regular ticket are Dr. David C.

Neymark, vice president; Dr. Stanley D. Tylman, secretary, and Dr. Edward J. Ryan, treasurer.

SOCIETY WOMAN GETS 60 AN HOUR IN TRUCK, TICKET New York, April Dean Bedford, noted sportswoman and prominent member of the Long Island Hunting club, carried off the blue the blue tag -in a new recreation today. She managed to get a small motor truck up to sixty miles an hour and was awarded the laurel by a courteous but firm Nassau county policeman. Mrs. Bedford, who is the daughterIn In-law of the late Alfred C. Bedford, chairman of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, first burst upon the vision of the policeman in a cloud of dust.

Two miles farther on and only with some difficulty-or SO Campbell, the policeman, tells it--his motorcycle came astern of the truck, and he was able to convince Mrs. Bedford that she should abandon her record breaking. Frederick J. P. Crook, Retired Salesman, Dies Frederick J.

P. Crook, a retired salesman for Wilson packers, died yesterday in his home at 1736 Ridge avenue, Evanston. He was 67 years old, and had been a resident of Evanston since 1894. The widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Crook, and two sons, Frederick and John, survive.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow in St. Mark's Episcopal church, Evanston, followed by burial in Memorial Park cemetery, DR. BEVAN GIVES LIQUOR STAND IN MEDIC JOURNAL In the issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association to be circulated within the next few days Dr. Arthur Dean Bevan will present a defense of his testimony in Washing. ton in February before the Bingham senatorial committee.

Dr. Bevan was censured by the Chicago Medical society for his testimony on prohibition at that time. "My testimony in Washington was given wide publicity," Dr. Bevan states in a letter to the Journal, "and I find that some of it was misrepresented and misunderstood. I would, therefore, like the opportunity to correct any erroneous impressions which may have been formed.

I stated that the doctor is authorized to write 400 prescriptions a year for a pint of whisky and that a number of doctors had not been able to resist the temptation of selling these prescriptions to patients some of them selling their full quota to bootlegging druggists and bootleggers. I feel that the writing of millions of prescriptions a year, the bulk of which may be used for beverage purposes and not for medicine, is a disgrace to the medical profession. I believe that the great bulk of the 11- legal and unethical prescriptions are written by a small minority of the members of the profession, and I believe that the great majority of the profession are entirely ethical and sound on this problem." All-Expense NEW YORK Vacation Tours $6500 June, July, August Including WASHINGTON ATLANTIC CITY HUDSON RIVER NIAGARA FALLS For descriptive leaflet and full information, call or write your Local Ticket Agent, any Tour Agent or Passenger Representatives of BALTIMORE OHIO R. R. NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES PENNSYLVANIA R.

R. WRIGLEY'S presents ELY CULBERTSON World Bridge Authority 3:30 today WEN Play this hand before lesson. Be sure to have cards laid out in front of you for talk. See what Mr. Culbertson would do.

-0973 -J 107 -73 -A543 -K 82 -6 4 -K08 0 -6432 -0J1082 -K654 76 -0 10 9 -AJ105 -A 95 -A 9 -KJ82 South Dealer. East- West Vulnerable. NO CHARGE FOR USE OF CHAPEL OR RECEPTION ROOMS AS LOW AS CASKETS Slain $2500 SON UNDERTAKERS 63 rd. HARVARD TEL: WENTWORTH 0025 DEATH NOTICES In Memoriam, GALLAY-Audrey and Evelyn Gallay. In sad and loving memory.

go Gone but not forgotten. LOVING HUSBAND AND FATHER. JOHNSTON-David Peter Johnston. In loving memory of my darling husband, who passed away one year ago today. His memory is as dear today as at the time he passed away.

LONELY WIFE, SUSAN. SULLIVAN- husband W. and Sullivan. father, In April loving 21, memory our 1931. Requiem mass, 7 a.

Thursday, St. Gertrude's church. WIFE AND FAMILY. Fraternal Notices. CLEVELAND LODGE, NO.

211, A. F. A. assemble at lodge hall at 1:30 p. Wednesday.

April 20. to attend funeral of Brother John S. Henderson. AUSTIN J. CROSS W.


A. M. -Members will assemble at lodge hall Thursday, April 21, at 1:30 p. to attend funeral of Brother Michael Hoheisel. R.

W. FRENCH, Master. F. S. MOYER, Secretary, BAKOS-Anna Bakos, April 19, 1932, beloved wife of the late John, fond mother of Valerie Bergan, John, Steve and Alex Bakos and the late Tillie Cox and Minnie Vojta.

mother-in-law of Michael Bergan, Sofie, Mary and Antonette Bakos. Funeral from late residence. 6123 S. Friday, April 22. at 8:30 a.

to SS. Cyril and Methodius church. Interment at Resurrection cemetery. Inf. call Prospect 3810.

Please omit flowers. BRANSFIELD-Ignatius M. Bransfield, beloved husband of Annette Garrison Bransfield. father of Michael Kirk Bransfield, brother of Mark Mary John and Michael J. Funeral from residence, 3260 Thursday.

April 21, 1932, at 10 a. to Our Lady of Mount Carmel church. Interment Mount Olivet. COUGHLIN-Mary M. Coughlin, beloved daughter of the late James M.

and Annie Coughlin, nee Rafferty, sister of Mrs. Charles A. Tracy, Martha, Loretta, Dr. John, Francis, Edward, Walter, and the late Grace and Virginia Coughlin. Funeral Friday.

9:30 a. from 332 S. Oak Park, to St. Catherine's church, 10 Calvary cemetery. CROOK- Frederick J.

P. Crook, April 19, 1932, 1736 Evanston, husband of Elizabeth Mary Ann Crook, father of John A. and Frederick W. Crook. Funeral services 2 m.

Thursday at St. Mark's church, Evanston. Interment Memorial Park. CULTRA-William Cultra, April 19, 1932. beloved brother of Mrs.

Mary Morris and John Cultra. Funeral Thursday. April 21, at 2 p. at his late home, 3423 S. Marshfield-av.

Interment Mount Greenwood. Kindly omit flowers. DEATH NOTICES voreen mall, late at ment loved Mre. and Island, of Schell, Feipel. 9:30 18.

loved and chapel, later. Cox, vard, under 0. 1812. April at GAULT son S. at tery.

rie, of ner 63d 9 blvd. wife will m. of the and of F. 30. a.

of of EDWARDS-William Edwards of 8040 beloved husband of Louise HalEdwards, devoted father of HerMrs. Lillian Halvorsen, Mrs. Evelyn Matthews, Mrs. Martha Strouce, and the Elsie. Funeral Thursday at 2 p.

m. funeral home, 318 E. 71st-st. InterMount Hope. -Bertha Eichman, April 19, bewife of the late Moritz, mother of Rose Golde, Louis, Alfred, Harry, Edwin.

Funeral services Wednesday, 5 at funeral home, 5200 N. Westerncorner of Foster-av. Interment Long N. Y. FEIPEL-Nicholas Feipel, beloved husband the late Mary, fond father of Anna Peter Louis N.

and John M. Funeral Thursday, April 21. at a. from late residence, 1724 to St. Gregory's church.

Interment St. Boniface cemetery. FITZGERALD James E. Fitzgerald, April 1932, of 3715 S. Cicero, behusband o1 Isabell, father of Sadie Ruth, and the late Edith.

Remains at 2701 N. Clark-st. Funeral notice Deaths of a Day GENESEO, Ill. Dr. Elon B.

Gilbert, 72, who practiced in this community almost medicine He was a surgeon for the Island Railway, and was century, president of the Geneseo board of health. TUCSON, H. Cohen, 46, of Hollywood, formerly of Urbana, a captain in the United States army during the world war. -James L. McCaull, 69, grain commission dealer here since 1897.

From 1888 to 1897 lived in Aberdeen, S. where he founded the McCaull-Webster Elevator company. New -William Reithle, for many years known as the oldest of the Associated Press. He was born in 1855 and was an employe throughout the present incorporation and had been in the service of previous associations which operated under the same name. BLAST SHAKES OHIO VILLAGE IN COAL MINE AREA (Picture on back page.) Cadiz, 0., April 20 (AP)---A heavy explosion shook the village of Jewett, ten miles north of here, early today, but National Guardsmen were unable to learn at once where the blast occurred or to find any damage.

Although the guardsmen assumed the explosion was connected with recent disorders in the strike of coal miners in the eastern Ohio fields, a check of mines near Jewett showed they were untouched by the blast. Six shots were fired, however, near the Tasa mine, a short distance from the village, about the same time as the explosion. Troops at the mine reported they were unable to find who did the shooting. Ask for More Troops. Columbus, 0., April -Further violence was feared in the eastern Ohio mine strike area tonight, following refusal of operators to meet with miners in an effort to straighten out the wage situation.

At the same time, Mayor Faye Gibson of Adena, 0., following further strike trouble, asked Adjt. Gen. Frank D. Henderson for more guardsmen to protect that village. F.

W. HENDERSON. It was there that a victim of Press the mine war was shot to death last week during the storming the Sommer's mine. Henderson beiieves the radical elements back of the eastern district strike are centered at Adena. Company of the Ohio National Guard was dispatched to the scene.

State officials are working out a program looking toward solution of the controversy between striking bituminous coal miners and operators, Gov. George White announced today. 3 DEATHS IN DAY INCREASE COUNTY AUTO TOLL TO 323 Injuries suffered on Saturday, when he and his wife, Theresa, were struck by an automobile at Broadway and Ardmore avenue, caused the death of Oscar Lowenthal, 63 years old, 5723 Winthrop avenue, in the Edgewater hospital last night. He was a photographer. Mrs.

Lowenthal is still in the hospital. Edward Moorshead, 5860 Kenmore avenue, driver of the car, was not held. This death and two others increased the Cook county automobile toll to 323 since Jan. 1. The other victims: Michael Frivicius, 42 years old, 1319 avenue, Cicero.

Fatally injured yesterday at 49th avenue and 22d street, Cicero, by an automobile which did not stop. Michael Rodon, 49 years old, 2024 West Austin avenue. Died at the county hospital of injuries suffered on April 12 when his junk wagon was struck by an automobile driven by William Baumann, 2338 North Kedvale avenue. NO. SHORE LINE TO CUT TIME ON MILWAUKEE RUNS Beginning Sunday, and operating on daylight saving time, the running time between Chicago and Milwaukee on the North Shore electric line limited trains will be cut to one hour and fifty-five minutes except on those trains which already are making the run in a shorter time.

John R. Blackhall, general manager, in announcing the new schedule, pointed out that the maximum runtime for all limited trains will be one hour and fifty-five minutes, a saving of ten minutes for travelers. The minimum will be one hour and forty minutes. In addition to faster service, the North Shore line on Sunday will inaugurate a parlor-buffet car service. Under this plan, Blackhall said, travelers will be afforded parlor car conveniences and will at the same time be able to obtain buffet meals en route.

A EIGHT INJURED BY GAS BLAST IN SUICIDE'S ROOM 2 Police Investigating First Death May Die. (Pictures on back page.) Eight persons were injured, three of them perhaps fatally, yesterday when an electric spark caused a gas explosion in a rooming house at 2126 North Clark street, where a tenant had committed suicide. A dozen windows were shattered in the house, which is next door to the garage where the St. Valentine's day massacre 00- curred. Policemen John Rung, 38 years old, and George Tworek, 36 years old, of the Hudson avenue police, and Mrs.

Blanche Nichols, 22 years old, a tenant, were the seriously injured. They were taken to the Augustana hospital, where it is feared they will die. Victim a Cab Driver. suicide victim was Joseph R. Robinson, 40 years old, an unemployed cab driver.

Ernest Keefer, operator of the rooming house, heard in Robinson's room and smelled gas when he went to investigate. He called Hudson avenue police and Policemen Tworek and Runge were sent to investigate. As they entered the gas filled room, closely followed by curious tenants, one of them pressed an electric light switch in the darkened room. A spark caused by this act set off the gas filled room, police said, and a terrific blast followed. A sheet of flame enveloped those grouped about the door.

Police Find Note. Robinson evidently had killed himself because of a love affair. Police found a note by and addressed to Mrs. Wiswahl, 4756 written, Dover street, which said that life was worthless without her." Mrs. Wiswahl, questioned by Hudson avenue police, said she knew Robinson and had gone out with him on several occasions.

Those slightly Injured in the explosion were: Melvin Nichols, 2 years old; Edwin J. Gallop, 34 years old, a commercial artist; Mrs. Belle Gould, 32 years old; Harry Schading, 29 years old, a stationary fireman, and William Donlin, 33 years old, a printer. All were tenants of the building. SLEEPING SICKNESS FATAL TO CHILD.

Anderson, April Cherry Blossom Lawson. 7, is dead of malady, probably sleeping sickness. She was in a constant stupor several days, due to spine affliction following influenza. Up all night? Nerves, Indigestion, Many Common Spring Troubles, Banished With Pure Blood You may be tossing about all night, watching the clock and then getting up in the morning feeling more tired than ever. You say, "I must have Spring Fever" but the truth undoubtedly is that you have Weak, Impoverished Blood.

Headaches, Sleeplessness, Loss of Appetite, a Blotched Skin, and other functional disorders are especially prevalent in the Spring. The season is changing. The blood is thick, sluggish from resisting poisons accumulated through the winter. You can't feel weil Gird look healthy as long as your body needs cleansing and toning. For this very purpose, thousands of men and women today take WENVO, the New Master Medicine.

It strengthens the blood cells, giving them power to carry nourishment and oxygen to every vital organ. Toxic poisons are kept out and those already there removed. You feel yourself tingling with new vigor, your complexion, your eyes, your very actions tell that energy has been restored. Get Well As Mr. D.

T. Porter Did "The past months I have been all in, could hardly drag myself around after my day's work, was bothered with constipation, didn't get a good night's rest, had backache and had no appetite. While I have used Wenvo for only a short time, considering my months of suffering, am immensely pleased and know have a medicine that is without comparison in a case like mine." says D. T. Porter, 2423 E.

Madison Des Moines, Ia. Stop feeling tired and worn out. Begin today to enjoy Spring build up your blood stream, your entire system, with Wenvo. This Master Medicine is sold under an Ironclad Moneyback Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, your money is refunded.

Get a bottle- today! Wendo and Recommended Sold by WALGREEN'S $1.25 Bottle, special. RAID OFFICE OF GANG PREYING ON ILLICIT BROKERS Detectives raided an office in the building at 100 North La Salle street yesterday, and which seized, be papers, laid before prosethe grand jury today as groundwork for the Investigation of the Capone gang's supposed attempt to organize racketeering investment salesmen into a protective association." The office was empty when the raiders, led by Assistant State's Attorneys L. P. Holt and Herman Weinberg. arrived.

It had been the headquarters, they said, for the racketeers and muscle men who have been attempting to organize venders of low grade securities in the city. Such stock and bond salesmen were formerly kept within the letter of the law by the state blue sky act, requiring the registration of all brokers and salesmen of unlisted securities. The registration clause of the act was held unconstitutional some months ago. Since that time, prosecutors said, Chicago has been a mecca for sellers of questionable securities. The Capone gang, surveying this lucrative field, is reported to have tried organization of a protective association through which the racketeer brokers might be stripped of part of their profits by other racketeers.

The Chicago Tribune Station on the Drake Hotel CUBS VS. CINCINNATI There'll be great goings on at the old home lot today! Bob Elson describes the Cubs-Cincy new players, too. A half hour before game time he takes the air with some advance dope on the players and the pennant race. at 2:30 P. M.

Sponsored by Thompson's "CLARA, LU 'N' EM" Good old fashioned back-fence gossip comes from your radio this morning when "Clara, Lu 'n' Em" get together for their daily qabfest. Politics, art and even the sciences come in for discussion by these eminent chatterboxes. at 9:15 A. M. Sponsored by Super Suds TODAY'S PROGRAM Salvo's Mail Box.

Magic. Grand Old Hymns." Blanchard's Show. White's Gym of the Air. 'n' Em--for Super Suds Giris. Board of Trade Grain Reports.

Hoefle, pianist. Friendly Masters." Dick and Harry, Weavers Quarter Hour, the World Cooking School. 10:45 Digest of the News. Hank and Joseph Hassmer. 1 Dreams." Weavers.

Health and Training--Dr. Ellis B. Freilich. Services- Commissioner W. A.

McIntyre of the Salvation Army, House Ensemble, Grant, pianist. Trio. Atterbury Wakefield -Historical Sketch. Thompson, soprano. L.

Tate, "Clean Up Week" speaker. House Ensemble. Program. vs. CincinnatiSponsored by Thompson's Restaurants.

Afternoon Musicale- Joseph Hassmer. baritone. at the Hoopers." Symphony Concert. "Uncle Remus" -for Dromedary Dates. Orphan Annie--for Ovaltine.

Singing Lady. Teen. 6:30 Music." Kassel's Orchestra from the Bismarck Hotel. EVENING Lowe Miles--for Linit. Sam- the Barbasol Man.

Smith- -for La Palina. Colonel and Bud for Ivory Soap. Medal Fast Freight. -In Three-Four Time. -Eno Crime Club.

Melody Man-for Monarch Finer Foods. 9:15 Tomorrow's Tribune, Time. Aces- -for Lavoris. Melody Hour, Dream Ship. Maxwell House Tune Blenders.

Quarter Hour. King's Orchestra 1 from the Aragon Ballroom. Weems Orchestra from the Trianon Ballroom. Moore and his Drake Hotel Orchestra: Art Kassel's Orchesand Herbie Kay's Orchestra from the Blackhawk Restaurant. Thursday's Features Remus' story.

Orphan Annie. Patri-child training expert. Revue. Story FORSAITH-Malvina M. Forsaith, 7308 April 18, 1932, wife of the late Perkins W.

Forsaith, mother of Mrs. Dora Edward and the late Louie J. Forsaith, Services at chapel, 63d and HarThursday, April 21, at 2 p. auspices of Maple chapter, No. 90, E.

S. Member of Daughters of War of Interment Rosehill. GABELLINI-Victoire Gabellini, suddenly, 18, 1932, wife of the late Scipion, mother of Gaston V. and Alice. Services chapel, 2701 N.

Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. Interment private. -Lester Gault, age 17 years, beloved of Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Gault, dear brother of Teddy, at rest in chapel, 1806 Crawford-av. Services Friday, April 22, 1:30 p. m. Interment P. 0.

W. ceme- GUENTHER-Marie E. Guenther of 3554 South Park way, April 18, 1932, wife Henry Guenther, fond mother of Ann MaRichard, Donald, James, and Raymond, sister of Bernard Greene, daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. August Guenther of 3554 South Park way, niece of Mrs.

Anna Conand M. J. Riley. Funeral from chapel, and Harvard, Thursday, April 21, a. to Holy Angels church, Oakwoodand Vincennes-av.

Interment Holy Sepulchre. HANDMACHER-Etta Handmacher, beloved of Mr. Max Handmacher, Monday, April 18, at 10 p. m. Funeral services take place at funeral parlors, 4437 Broadway, Wednesday, April 20, at 11 All members of the Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation are urged to present and pay last respects to our revered member.

HARESTAD -Carl Harestad, April 19, 1932, 4916 W. beloved husband late Carrie Harestad, father of Olive Ray and the late Paul Harestad. neral Friday, 2:30 p. at Moreland Lutheran church, Lotus-av. and W.

Huron-st. Interment Mount Olive. HEINTZ- -John P. Heintz, beloved husband Cora, loving brother of Rose Schotsal, George L. Heintz.

Helen Weideling, Philip Heintz, Edward F. Heintz. Funeral services at late residence, 6323 N. Wednesday, April 20, at 02 p. Interment Graceland cemetery.

JENNINGS-George Thomas Jennings, March 1932, father of Mrs. A. F. Gartz brother of Francis F. Jennings.

Funeral services Oakwoods chapel, Thursday, m. -Francis F. Jennings, April 1032, brother of George Thomas Jennings. Funeral service Oakwoods chapel, Thursday. 11 a.

m. KLABUNDE Emma Klabunde, nee Nesser, beloved wife of the late Edward, mother Wally, Mrs. Ella Stowell, Walter, Edith Trone, Mrs. Mabel Bradshaw. Funeral Thursday, 10:30 a.

from chapel, Cottage to Holy Angels church. KNIGHT- -Henrietta Knight, of 6 S. beloved wife of Samuel, fond mother William L. of Robinson, Mrs. James of Willmar, Mrs.

Winifred Halverson and Mrs. Shirley La Gee, Mrs. Alice Faunt, D. F. Westover, Mrs.

H. Lynn North, Funeral services chapel, 2906 Thursday, 21, at 2 p. m. Interment Oakridge. MANGAN-Edmond Mangan, beloved son Michael and the late Delia Mulherin Mangan, fond brother of Clarence Eileen.

Funeral from residence, 6828 Thursday. April 21, 9 a. St. Brendan's church. Interment Mount Olivet.

McGAULEY- Joseph McGauley, beloved band of Rose, nee Fall, fond father Joseph Eleanor, Jack, Rosemary, Patricia, brother of Thomas, Fred, and Jeanne, at his residence, 707 S. Oak Park. Funeral notice later. McWHORTER-Mrs. Mary Louise Etten Whorter.

April 18, 1932: wife of Golder L. McWhorter, 1526 W. Chicago. Funeral services at 10:30 a. Wednesday, April 20, at chapel, 316 63d-st.

Interment private. MILLER-Robert B. Miller, aged 80 beloved husband of Fannie P. father of Mrs. L.

F. Dunstan. Funeral Thursday. at 1:30 p. residence.

223 N. to Charles cemetery. Member of and services by Garfield lodge, No. 686, A. F.

A. MILLMAN-Frank Millman, aged 55 of 1626 S. Central beloved band of Jennie. fond father of Celia son, Sylvia. Harry, Eddie Millman, Florence Lieken, and 7 grandchildren.

Wednesday. April 20, at 2 p. at 3556 Roosevelt-rd. MURIN-Vendel Murin, April 18, 1932. neral from the residence.

7928 S. field, Thursday. April 21. at 9 a. St.

Joseph church, 730 W. 17th-pl. Mount Carmel, O'CONNELL Catherine Rahilly O'Connell, April 19. 1032, wife of the late fond mother Charles of Timothy Daniel William cis Mae and Kathleen L. and Bessie Delaney and the late Jeremiah O'Connell.

sister of Mrs. Edward ald and the late Elizabeth Hayes and garet Rahilly. Funeral Friday at 9 a. from late home. 7958 S.

to Sabina's church. Interment Mount Lafayette 1664. PRASINOS Angeline Prasinos. Funeral Thursday, April 21, at 1 p. from chapel, 1906 Irving to St.

drew's church, Winthrop and Hollywoodavs. Interment Elmwood cemetery. PRUNEAU Joseph Prunean of beloved father of Ray. and Mrs. Joseph Piette.

Thursday at 9 a. m. to St. Ignatius Interment Calvary. REEVE -Frederick Winchell Reeve.

April 1932. dearly beloved son of Frederick and Ruth brother of Joseph E. Julia Ruth. Funeral services Friday, 22. 1932.

at First Congregational Western Springs, at 2:45 p. m. omit flowers because of relief needs. REID-Mannel M. Reid.

April 18, 1932. band of the late Elizabeth Seaborne father of Bryan S. Reid. Funeral ROETHE -Henry L. Roethe.

beloved band of Clara father of Patrick Roethe and Ruth R. Hurst. Funeral his home. 2036 Arthur-av. Notice of later.

SCHMIDT-Albert G. A. Schmidt, husband of Elsa. nee Herrmann, dear ther of Albert T. Schmidt.

brother Christina Valbracht, uncle of Bernice bracht. Funeral services Thursday, 3 p. at funeral home. 1458 Belmont-av. terment Graceland cemetery.

SCHMIDT-Joseph D. Schmidt, late 309 N. Oak Park, beloved band of Dorothy, fond father of Gerald Harvey. Funeral Wednesday at 2 D. chapel, 3125 W.

Roosevelt-rd. SHERWOOD-Isabel Sherwood, 6541 vard-av. April 19, 1032. wife of late Jesse Sherwood, mother of W. and Jessie Belle Sherwood.

Wednesday. 8 p. af chapel, 415 63d-st. Interment La Grange, Mo. SPENCER-Richard L.

R. Spencer, husband of Mary, nee Ryan, father Margaret. Mrs. J. J.

Hirsh, and Funeral Thursday at 9 a. m. from 5811 Broadway. to Our Lady of the church Interment All Saints. STOLTZ -George Stolz.

late of 5112 beloved husband of Anna, Haug. fond father of Herbert and Emma Clark. Funeral Thursday, at p. at funeral home, 1458 av. Interment Graceland.

Member Local 143. I. U. of 0. E.

School TRAUB-Anna Traub. April 18. 1932, 74th year. late of 1645 N. loved wife of Andrew.

fond mother Louie George Andrew Joseph Dr. Anthony and the late Frank loving grandmother of Jackie and Funeral from chapel, 4041 W. Thursday, April 21, at 9:30 a. Philomena church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated. St.

Joseph's. Member of Christian ers' society. Please omit flowers. WARD--Edward W. Ward, beloved Margaret and the late James Ward, brother of James and John.

Thursday at 9 a. from chapel. Cottage to St. Joachim's Burial Holy Sepulchre. CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks for the sympathy, beautiGINTY-Agnes Doyle Ginty.

3227 Polk-st. ful flowers and spiritual bouquets at the death of my wife. JOS. P. GINTY AND DAUGHTERS.

of at a. be of Fu- Talm. 11 11, of Mrs. 4141. Alice sister and at April of and S.

to husof and Alice, Clin- Me. Dr. m. W. years; Miller, from St.

M. years, husFivel- Funeral chapel, FuMarsh- to Burial Thomas Thomas FranMrs. E. FitzgerMar- m. St.

Olivet. on the An- 6550 Joseph, Funeral church. 16. E. and April church, Please Reid, private.

husHenry at time beloved faof In- residence. husand m. at Harthe H. Funeral W. beloved of James.

chapel, Lake St. nee Mrs. 1:30 Belmontof Engineers. in her beof Patsy. to St.

requiem Interment Moth- son of fond Funeral 9108 church,.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Is the Chicago Tribune a liberal or conservative newspaper? ›

The paper retained its Republican and conservative perspective in its editorials, but it began to publish perspectives in wider commentary that represented a spectrum of diverse opinions, while its news reporting no longer had the conservative slant it had in the McCormick years.

Can you read the Chicago Tribune for free? ›

On, there are three levels of participation: Non-Subscriber: You can read a limited number of articles at no charge.

What if I didn't get my Chicago Tribune today? ›

For customer service issues, including questions about your subscription or delivery, call 312-546-7900. You can report a missed delivery here.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most respected newspaper in the United States? ›

The New York Times

One of the most trusted names in U.S. newspapers, The New York Times is also one of the longest-running names in print. Like WSJ, the New York Times is doubling down on digital and has announced goals of reaching 15 million total subscribers by the end of 2027.

What kind of newspaper is the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Tribune, winner of 27 Pulitzer Prizes, is known for its innovative investigative reporting, insightful coverage of the arts and culture, and community-leading opinion writing.

Is Chicago democratic or republican? ›

The US state of Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and one of the "big three" Democratic states alongside California and New York.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday. Chicago Tribune was launched in 1847 and is published in Chicago, Illinois.

Is Chicago Tribune still printed? ›

Tribune Publishing is moving its printing operations to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, a smaller but newer facility it purchased in May 2023 for an undisclosed price.

What is the price of a Sunday Chicago Tribune? ›

*Savings based on newsstand rates of $4.00 Daily, $5.75 Sunday plus $4.99 weekly Standard Digital Access.

How much does an obituary cost in the Chicago Tribune? ›

Starting at $315.00. A printed notice in the Death Notice section of the Chicago Tribune that references a Maiden Name and refers reads to see the notice under the person's married last name.

What mistake did the Chicago Tribune make? ›

"Dewey Defeats Truman" was an erroneous banner headline on the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune (later Chicago Tribune) on November 3, 1948, the day after incumbent United States president Harry S. Truman won an upset victory over his opponent, Governor Thomas E.

Can I get the Chicago Tribune mailed to me? ›

To manage your print and digital subscriptions, start a new subscription or submit questions or complaints about home delivery, billing or vacation holds, call 1-800-TRIBUNE (874-2863) To contact customer service online, go to HOME DELIVERY RATES (Weekly rates*) MON-FRI SUNDAY 7DAYS ...

How do I access the Chicago Tribune? ›

How do I log in to the website?
  1. From any page on, click or tap on the “log in” button in the upper right corner.
  2. In the “email address” field, enter the email address that is connected to your subscription.
  3. In the “password” field, enter the password you previously created.
  4. Click or tap on “log in”.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

Dainik Jagran

Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage. It is known for its city-centric supplements and local cartoons.

What is the most popular news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper today? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
1Wall Street JournalNews Corp
2New York TimesNew York Times Company
3New York PostNews Corp
4Washington PostWashington Post
21 more rows
Feb 19, 2024


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.