The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1881. CIVIL BUTTS. SABBATICAL DRAMA. LAFAYETTE ALUMNL Annual Reunion and Dlsennlon of College Interests. A very pleasant reunion of the alumni of Lafayette College took place last evening, in that historical apartment Parlor of the Continental Hotel.

An elegant collation was spread in the long banqueting hall, which opened out beyond the ante-room. But before sitting down to do justice to the delicacies which mine host's hospitality had prepared a business meeting was held for the election of officers and discussion of matters of common interest. The officers elected to serve for the ensuing year are Rev. J. A.

Liggett, president; C. B. Adamson and J. E. Watkins, vice presidents; John Scolley, secretary.

Executive Committee Dr. J. W. Walker and J. W.

B. Bailsman. Among those present were Rev. J. A Liggett, Rahway, N.

Rev. William C. Alexander, Middletown, Rev. James Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill; Rev. C.

Bolter, Rev. N. 8. McFetridge, Germantown; Dr. Willard Ppringer, Wilmington, Delaware; Dr.

J. W. Walker, and Messrs. Robert Snodgrass, harrlsburg; Harvey Emmons, Wilmington, Del. Rev.

J. J. Pomeroy, Rahway, N. J. Alford P.

Reid, West Chester; J. W. Bausman, Lancaster; John Scolley, J. Jamison, W. 8.

Roney, C. B. Adamson, M. Radcliffe, J. Bolter, W.

A. Johnson, W. McKenzie, E. Bryan, B. S.

Banks, H. N. Du Bois, Henry C. Pickles, Charles F. Hunter and Aaron 8.

Swartz. Rev. Mr. Beggs presided at the banquet, and called on Rev. N.

S. McFetridge, who suggested that the alumni reunions should be made profitable as well as pleasant, remarking that it was orthodox to have both the law and the gospel. The Chair next called on Robert Snodgrass, who, in responding, said: Without the law we should be in a bed condition. A Member. How about the lawyers? Mr.

Snodgrass. The lawyers can speak for themselves. We have been a much-abused profession. You have heard the conundrum, why is a lawyer like a restless sleeper? Became he lies first on one side and then on the other. We never lie on but one side at a time, and there is no profession more loyal than ours to the interests of Lafayette College.

Wherever you find them, on the bench or aspiring to the bench (laughter), the legal alumni ot Lafayette CRIMINAL POINTS. What the Police Have Been Doing the Past Two Days. Adolph Hurts, a youth of sixteen, who is charged with a number of conspiracies to defraud, was given a hearing yesterday at the Central Police Court A. J. Walton, of No.

1214 North Seventh street, testified that he was employed at Edwin Hetler's, and that Hurts had sent a boy for an acconnt of one of their customers, which account the prisoner afterward collected. Mason Fisher, living at No. 1533 Cherry street, testified that he had been employed by Hurts at $1 a day to collect money for him, and that he had asked Mr. Walton for the statement which the prisoner afterward collected. H.

W. Vallen, who keeps a news stand and segar store at No. 1248 Belmont avenue, was next examined, end testified that Hurts had made a contract, for which he received $1-50, to deliver him the Sunday papers, and that he did not do so, but retained the money. Benjamin Brook, of Twenty-third and Hamilton streets, testified that during the summer a young man called, and said he had an order for soap from Charles D. Manley, No.

152 North Eighth street, but that he had lost it. He was allowed to select goods valued at $5 or $6, which he took away ostensibly for the above firm. Hurtz confessed that he was the young man in question. He was held in $6U0 bail for the first offense, and in $400 bail each for the other charges, to appear at court William Metan, a boy living at No. 919 Can-trell street, has been held to answer the charge of picking the pocket of Mrs.

Mary Hill, of No. 404 Morris street, of a pocket book containing a small sum of money, at Fourth and South streets. Frank Sullivan, living at No. 421 South street, was arrested on Sunday evening having in his possession a lot of burglar's tools. He was committed for trial by Magistrate Brown.

John B. Moyer, the Roxborough farmer who is charged by Matilda Smiley with forging and uttering a pretended lease of the premises No. 2341 North Fifth street, alleged to have been made by William Smiley, was before Magistrate Smith yesterday to answer the charge. He was held under $800 bail to appear for a further hearing in two weeks. The house of E.

J. Rochman, Eighteenth and Federal streets, was entered on Saturday night and robbed of $79 in cash and a lot of clothing. Conrad Hecht, living at Thirty-fifth and Aspen streets, was committed yesterday at the Central Police Court in default of $3000 bail, charged by his wife, Louisa Hecht, with having cut ber throat, on Saturday three weeks ago, in a lumber yard at Richmond and Nor-ris streets. Mrs. Hecht testified that it was the third time that her husband had made an attempt on her life.

Andrew Hansen, runner for a sailor's boarding house, was discharged by United State Commissioner Gibbons yesterday. He was charged with enticing sailors to desert. George Whence, of No. 1078 Frankford avenue, and Harry Pitcher, of No. 931 Ogden street, two little newsboys, were held yesterday in $300 each at the Central Police Court to keep the peace, charged with pitching penuie-on Jayne street.

i Henry V. Cantlin, ex-deputy sheriff and liauor dealer, at Tenth and Race streets, wa arrested on Friday and given a hearing yesterday before Magistrate Find lay, on the charge of assault and batterv at the election polls The prosecutor was Mr. Edward J. Carey JobnSlevin, a liquor dealer at No. 523 Souio Twelfth street, entered bail for Cantlin's appearance at court.

Early yesterday morning thieves entered the residence of Dr. Alfred Williams, No. 1627 North Eleventh street. The occupants were aroused, and the men fled down an alley into Eleventh street and then ran to Oxford street, and in their flight threw away a jimmy and an overcoat One hour later Policeman Mo-Neal, of the Twelfth district, observed Thomas McCabe, living at No. 1754 Alder street, and William Pease, of No.

1223 Oxford street, at Fawn and Oxford streets, and tbey parted in front of Pease's house, which the latter entered. The authorities were notified, and on an investigation being instituted it was discovered that an attempt had been made to jimmy open a rear parlor window at Dr. Williams' residence, and that the coat thrown away by one of the three men belonged to William Pease. The latter was then taken into custody, and, asserting that he had loaned the coat to McCabe, he was also arrested, together with a boy named Henry Frietag, living at No. 1606 Camac street They were all locked up at the Twelfth police district station house, when McCabe was heard to say to Pease, "That coat will get us all into trouble, even if Frietag don't give us away." McCabe also asked Pease, "What did you go back there for?" and Pease answered, "I wanted to get the jimmy." The three wen given a hearing at the Central, and were com mitted for a further hearing next Monday.

At the Pennsylvania Hospital. The following cases were treated at the Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday: Charles Amstray, aged fifty years, residing at No. 728 McCann's court, finger crushed at Race street wharf by a fall of timber. William Falbey, aged twenty-nine years, residing at No. 828 Qneen street, finger cut in the Southwark Foundry, Fifth street and Washington avenue.

James H. Bell, aged forty four years, residing at No. 333 Lombard street, head cut by a falling brick. W. H.

Wilson, aged thirty-eight years, residing at Fifteenth and Market streets, left knee cut by pieces of glass at Sharpless' store, Eighth and Chestnut streets. Charles Roody, aged thirty-eight years, residing at Fourth and Gaskill streets, forehead cut by falling dowu stairs. Henry C. Martin, aged twenty-one years, residing at No. 519 South Second street, wrist contused by some boards falling on him at No.

41 South Second street Thomas Keating, aged thirty-four years, residing at No. 2014 Locust street, injured by a file. Joseph Cappen, aged twenty-three years, rending at No. 932 Ellsworth street, left too', bruised between the bumpers of two cars a'. Twentieth street and Washington avenue.

Thomas Ramsden, aged twenty-five years, residing at No. 148 North Fifth street, finger fractured by a piece of iron falling on him. John Allen, colored, aged thirty-one years residing at No. 616 Lombard street, finger everely bitten by a dog at Seventh and St. Mary streets.

The Goldberg-Keller Conspiracy Case. The case of Emit Goldberg, manufacturer ot fringes and stockings, and John Keller, formerly a driver for R. Blankenberg dealers in yarn, charged with conspiracy to cheat and defraud that firm, was called for trial be fore Judge Ludlow yesterday. Goldberg pleaded not guilty, but Keller confessed the crime, and was used as a witness against his alleged confederate. The allegation was thai Keller, while driving for Blankenberg was induced by Goldberg to steal a large quantity of yarn and sell it to him at fifty cents a pound.

The yarn was worth from eighty cents to $1-20 per pound, and the amount taken was about 1800 pounds. Keller, it was also testified, had been followed to Goldberg's place ot business, and was seen to throw a quantity of yarn on the floor. He was arrested on the spot and admitted bis guilt, saying that he had been stealing from the firm for three years. Goldberg in his defense teitifled that he did not know Keller, and denied all knowledge of the transaction. When the court adjourned the jary had not agreed upon a verdict CUTTING APPROPRIATIONS.

Work of the Councils Finance Committee at Last Might's Meeting. A meeting ot the Finance Committee ot City Councils was held last evening, with Mr. Clay in the chair. The ordinance making an appropriation of $460,165 to the Fire Department was called up. The appropriation for the present year is $454,880.

The appropriation called for $2500 as the salary of the Chief Engineer, but it was reduced to the present figure, $2250. The pay of the assistant engineers was reduced to the amounts received now. The items for repairs aud supplies, supplies to engine houses and stables, stationery, advertising, purchase of horses, were increased over those of the present year, although reductions were made from the amounts in the bill. The salary of the superintendent of horses, $1000, an increase of $250, was not agreed to. The salaries of the superintendent of the repair shops and several fit the mechanics employed therein were cut down.

The reductions in the bill amounted to $0250. The bill was then laid over. The ordinance making an appropriation of to the Department of City Commissioners was called up next This is an increase of $25,600 over the previous year's appropriation. The item for the pay of jurors was reduced from $02,000 to The item of $121 ,430 for the State Hospital for the Insane, and $11,000 to cover this year's deficiency, was passed after the $11,000 had been stricken off, the understanding being that warrants for 1881 might be drawn against it It was decided that $20,000 should be given the inspectors of the Eastern Penitentiary instead of $22,000, as asked. The item of for constables' fees was stricken out, such ofli-cers being paid by the magistrates, according to law.

A few other changes were made, and then the bill went over. The committee then took up the ordinance making an appropriation of $200,000 to the Commissioners of Fairmount Park. This amount is $2200 less than that of this year. Mr. Hail moved that the item of $2000 for the landscape gardner be stricken out, as he understood that tne work was done by his assistants.

Ex-Mayor Henry said that the gentleman did his duty and earned his salary. The motion of Mr. Hall was not agreed to. An effort was then made by Mr. Irvine to cut his salary down to $1000, but this also tailed of passage.

Mr. Clay then tried to reduce the pay of the captain of the guard, but It failed. A long discussion then took place over an effort to increase the pay of the guards from $2 to $2 25 per day, but it was lost Mr. Clay moved to make the pav of the captain $1425 and of the sergeants $97416, instead of $1186, but it was not agreed to. The item of $2000 to maintain the St George bouse, Ohio building, German pavilion and Rhode Island building was stricken out, but $500 was subsequently allowed for the care of the St.

George house. The item of $2500 for completing the restoration of the grounds lately occupied by Machinery Hall was stricken out Mr. Bardsley moved to strike out the item of $2000 for erecting permanent propagating bouses in the grounds around Horticultural Hall. This was amended so as to give $1000 for the purpose. An additional item of $0000 for the construction of a permanent bridge over the Wissa hickon, and the improvement of the Park roads to connect with the proposed road from Chestnut Hill to the Park, was acted upon favorably, after brief addresses by Rev.

Mr. Harris and General Joshua T. Owen, of Chestnut Hill, in advocacy of the appropriation. The appropriation was cut down about $3000. On motion of Mr.

Hall, a proviso was added to the bill that no warrants should be drawn against the appropriation unless the meetings of the commission and of its committees are open to the public. The bill was then laid over. The ordinance making an appropriation of $103,364 to the Inspectors of the County Prison, for 1882, was called up, but was postponed owing to the lateness of the hour. The appropriation for this year is $131,801. The committee then adjourned until Thursday evening.

PHILADELPHIA'S PLACE. Strategic Relations of the Quaker City to the Revolutionary War. A large audience assembled in the hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania last night to bear General Henry B. Carrington, United States Army, author of the "Battles of the Revolution," deliver an address upon the subject of "The Military Operations near Philadelphia in the War of Independence." Judge James T. Mitchell presided.

The speaker opened by a reference to Philadelphia as the sacred city of America. A radius of two days' march from Independence Hall was swept about the group of events which the lecturer discussed, and the statement made that "in all the operations which group about Philadelphia Washington took the offensive." This was illustrated by his rapid march from New Jersey to the head of Chesapeake bay, the details of the gradual retirement to the Brandywine, the action itself, and the quickly-occurring advances to Warren tavern and Germantown. The embarrassments of the army were offset by their extraordinary obedience, which culminated in the energy of their pursuit of Clinton at Monmouth. But few campaigns, he said, so ennobled the rank and file as that which begun at F.lkton and closed at Monmouth, It saved Pennsylvania and saved the Union. The speaker paid a merited tribute to the industrial labors of the lamented Henry Armit Brown, Dr.

Lamdin and other historical writers of our city, and thus closed his reference to the trials of Valley Forge encampment General Carrington closed his remarks in a brilliant peroration of the grand results of the Revolution. Criminal Court Notes. Judge Ludlow yesterday sentenced the following: Thomas Willard, theft of a coat from a store, one year; E. F. Murphy, assaulting a police officer, two weeks; John Field, colored, stealing a caba containing $7 from a lady in the street, nine months; Thomas Campbell and Lewis Myer, assaulting John Stevens with a snife, five months; JohnHaggerty and George W.

Height, larceny of a blanket from a carriage, House of Refuge; John Rattan, larceny ts bailee of $13, three months; Charles Rogers, receiving a set of pool balls which had been stolen, eighteen months; Michael Moran, larceny of fifty bars of soap from a factory, ooe vear; Alexander Develin, assaulting a policemen, two weeks: John Curry, assault and bat-ery, twenty days. before Judge Mitchell Philip Griffin was acquitted of stealing a watch from a man at Oak-rale Park. Baptist Conference. The Philadelphia Conference of Baptist Ministers met yesterday morning in the Assembly Hall of the Publication Society, No. 1420 Chestnut street; Rev.

James Lisk, D. occupied the chair, Rev. Newton Ritner, secre-'ary. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. E.

C. Romine, of Stockton, K.J. Rev. E. M.

Levy, D. presented an exegesis of 1st John, 16, 17. it was discussed by Revs. T. R.

Evans, G. D. B. Pepper, D. L.

P. Hornberger, J. M. Pendleton, P. I.

Wynn, D. and A. H. Lung. Rev.

Dr. B. Griffith introduced Rev. W. H.

Steward, who spoke in behalf of the Kentucky Normal Theological Institute at Louisville; after which a resolution was adopted commending him to the churches. Adjourned with prayer by Rev. W. P. HelUngs, of Lockport, N.

Y. BRIEF NOTES. A Condensation of the More Unimportant Items Gathered Yesterday. The seventeenth anniversary of the Philadelphia Lodge, No. 76, 1.

O. G. was celebrated last evening, by a musical and literary entertainment at the hall, Vine street, below Eighth. Mr. James Long will, on Thursday evening, upon his return from the London Ecumenical Council, be tendered a reception by the congregation of Grace M.

E. Church. Mr. Long is president of the board of trustees of that church. Thursday next will be donation day at the Germantown Hospital The new ward for women has been finished and occupied within the year, and the managers appeal for help in caring for the added number of suffering ones under their charge.

Food or clothing suitable for the sick, bed linen, groceries, fuel or money will be gratefully received by a committee of ladies, who will be in attendance during the day to receive contributions. The Coroner was notified yesterday to hold an inquest on the body of William Watt, aged eighty-two years, who died suddenly at No. 1022 Crease street Mayor Rowe, of Reading, is in the city, the guest of Lieutenant Jordan, of the Ninth district The Zoological Society has purched a pair of young lions at a cost of $1700. They were raised in the Berlin Garden, and will arrive in the spring. Robert Anderson, connected with the United States Appraiser's stores on becond street, and a school director of the Thirtieth ward, died at his residence, No.

620 South Twentieth street, on Saturday last The increased rate on West-bound freight went into effect on the Pennsylvania Railroad yesterday. The early celery crop is reported a failure. The employees of S. D. Boilers Co.

shoe manufacturers, are seeking an advance of wages, and have laid their grievances before the Arbitration Committee of the Knights of Labor. President Roberts and the directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad started yesterday upon the examination trip over the W. and B. road and branches. Charles Roney, of Fourth and Gaskill streets, fell through the hatchway of a building at Third and Arch streets yesterday, and sustained severe internal injuries.

He was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Christ Church's chime of bells will be rung this evening under the direction of Mr. William Brown. They have not been pealed for some years, but have recently been put in order with new ropes, Mr. Arthur Tbacher, for the past ten years cashier of Messrs.

Baeder, Adamson has resigned that position to accept the treasu-rership of the Fidelity Mutual Aid Association, No. 908 Chestnut street Mr. Thacher has thorough business knowledge, and is generally esteemed. At the annual meeting of the Argent Mining Company, held yesterday, a report was read setting forth that during the year considerable work had been done on each claim, principal attention having been given to the Vining mine, where a new shaft had been sunk to the depth of 365 feet, revealing good indications of ore. Henry Keller, the missing second mate of the ship Santa Clara, which sailed from this port on Wednesday last for San Francisco, has turned up in New York city.

Harry Nicholson, a bricklayer, aged twenty-five years, residing on Fifth street, above Poplar, fell yesterday afternoon from a three-story building, No. 1010 Lawrence street, and was badly injured. He was taken home. The body of an infant was found yesterday at Sansom street wharf, on the west side of the Schuylkill. It was taken in charge by the harbor police.

A large audience assembled at Industrial Hall last evening to witness an exhibition of sparring. The principal set-to was between Paddy Ryan and George McDonnell, of Canada, ending, after three rounds, in a victory for the former. ENGINEERING TRIUMPH. The Baltimore Water Works Tnnnel to be Inspected by Phlladelphlans By invitation of Robert K. Martin, chief engineer of the Baltimore Water Works, a party of Philadelphians, representing the various commercial interests and the press of the city, will leave for Baltimore this afternoon to inspect the new Baltimore Water Works tunnel from the Gunpowder river.

The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will provide special cars for the occasion. The party will make their headquarters at Barnum's Hotel to-night, and will visit the works to-morrow, returning to this city that evening. The invited guests include the following-named: Hon. Samuel G. King, Mayor; Captain Rob ert C.

Clipperton, British consul; A. J. Cas satt, vice President Pennsylvania Railroad: Isaac Hinckley, president P. W. and B.

Rail road; Lieutenant Colonel William Ludlow U. S. Engineers; Commander Frederick Rod gers, U. S. Lighthouse Inspector; Dr.

Ed ward Bedloe, Thomas Potter, of Thoma Potter, Sons Commodore James Ferguson, president Board of Port Wardens W. R. Tucker, of Board of Port Wardens; Edward Sharwood, secretary Maritime Exchange: Henry R. Edmunds, solicitor Vessel Owners' Association; Franklin Dundore, William Massey, William King, James R. Wood, Pennsylvania Railroad George W.

Boyd, Pennsylvania Railroad: O. E. McClellan, Pennsylvania Railroad; F. G. Hennessy, of Peter Wright Sons.

At the Hotels. The following were among the arrivals at the hotels yesterday: Lafayette. M. L. Ruth.

U. 8. John T. De Blois, New York; 8. R.

Koehler, Boston; W. K. getJer, Pennsylvania. 8t. Elmo.

T. M. Breneman, Mount Joy, Pa. N. J.

Plerson, Milford, W.C. Davis, Danville. West End. W. Corwin, New York; T.

Miller Pennsylvania: G. C. Winter, New York; N. H. Cobb, New York; W.

Farren. New York. Colonnade Alex. Gordon, Cincinnati, Alfred Townsend, New York: J. G.

Cook, Washington, D. B. A. Lynde. Buffalo.

Merchant. J. K. Sharpless, Fairville. ('has L.

Pickett, New York; J. F. Matlack, Parkesburg. Bingham. B.

K. Huntzinger, Harrlsburg: L. Miller, New Orleans; Henry Kelb, Columbia; T. C. Walton, Btroudsburg; J.

C. Bryant, Atlanta, Ga. St. Cloud. Hon.

J. 8 Haldeman, Harrisburg: Hon. Thos. V. Cooper, Media, Hon.

Benjamin UHewit. Hollidaysburg Joseph H. Sands, Superin-tendent Shenandoah Valley Railroad, Hagerstown. Hon. C.

R. Lautz, Lebanon; Hon. C. R. Buck-alew, Bloomsburg.

Oirard. Major Horace U. 8 A. Henrv W. Scott, Easton; Grey E.

Farquhar, Pottsville; J. Peterman, Muncy. Pa. B. F.

Myers, Harrisburg Patriot; Colonel A. Wilhelm, Cornwall, T. H. Diehl, Allentown; P. Flynn, Tyrone, Colonel W.

B. Tower, Boston; Robert Snodgrass, Harris burg; W. H. Illdele, Tennessee. Washington.

J. Turner. Port Carlon: E. Woodward, New Jersey; Samuel G. Rouse, York, Pa.

E. Elden, Wainsboro. Pa. Continental. Judge Ashhel Green, New Jersey; Judge Pearson, Harrisburg: H.

A. Richmond, Buffalo; L. H. Sullivan, Chicago; A. B.

Glbbs. Troy. New York; J. H. Mason, Toronto; J.

A. Johnson, Virginia; Martin Collins, St, Louis; W. H. Os born, N. Y.

Plumer's American. B. Williams, Toronto, Can W. A. Sherman.

Boston J. J. Richardson, Daven port; F. Strieker, New York; E. Jackson, Wash Ington, D.

C. F. B. Spooner, New York. The Night Schools.

Applications for instruction in the public night schools of Philadelphia were received last evening at the Central High School and elsewhere. They will be received again tonight and on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and on Monday next the regular course 01 begin. Cases Engaging- the Attention of the Common Fleas Courts. i The business of the Common Pleas Courts esterday was as follows Annie Golden vs. Evan Knight; action to recover damages for arrest and imprisonment.

Verdict for plaintiff, 1. William J. Ferguson and Mary Ann, in right of said Mary Ann, as executrix of Hugh Maxwell, deceased, vs. the administratrix of William Kitchenman, deceased, with notice to the widow of the deceased and the guardian of his child; an action to revive judgment Verdict for plaintiff, 12437 23. F.

F. Wolgamuth vs. John W. Ramsen; an action against the surety on a lease to recover a balance of $125 for rent Verdict for plaintiff, $142 30. Jacob Weber vs.

Christian Suenner; an action on a book account Verdict for plaintiff. 30 29. Michael Karney vs. John Feigley and L. K.

Smith; an action to recover a balance of some $1100 for services as a watchman. The defense claimed that the vaWof the services did not exceed 1270, which had been paid him. On trial. J. E.

Leskie Co. vs. Robert G. Green and others. Before reported.

Nonsuit granted. John E. Whiteside vs. John Boardman; an action against a surety on an interpleader bond. Jury out John W.

Btorey vs. John Zebley; an action for damages for malicious prosecution. On trial. Michael Hey vs. Grauel Brother; an action to recover damages for a nuisance.

Verdict for plaintiff, $200. William B. M. Conk ling vs. the City of Philadelphia; an action to recover on an assessment bill.

Verdict for plaintiff, $464'62. Ferdinand Beer vs. John C. Grober; an action to recover damages for injuries sustained by the plaintiff in falling through a cellar way under the control of the defendant On trial The Richmond Building and Loan Association, to the use of John McCaffrey vs. Peter Donahue, defendant, and the Richmond Building and Loan Association, garnishee; an attachment execution.

Verdict for plaintiff, $774. The People's Bank of Philadelphia vs. Edward J. Etting and Samuel W. Groom, late copartners, trading under the name and firm of Edward J.

Etting. In the fall of 1874 Henry G. Morris stored on Etting's wharf some 850 tons of pig iron, and his agent, Alexander Er-vin, borrowed $18,500 from the People's Bank, giving as security for that sum receipts for the iron, Bigned by A. Gay ley. Morris himself subsequently sold the iron to George M.

Traut-man, who obtained possession of it by means of the regular warehouse receipts, given by Etting himself to Morris, and transfeered bv the latter to Trautman. The bank, having" thus lost its security, sued Etting, claiming that he was liable upon the receipts given by Gayley, who is claimed to be his agent. The case is on trial. THE TAX ON CAR HORSES. Answer of the Board of Revision arid Receiver of Taxes.

An answer was filed in the United States Circuit Court yesterday by the Board of Revision of Taxes and the Receiver of Taxes to the bill in equity filed on the 7th of September last by Willard A. Smith, a stockholder of the Chestnut and Walnut street line, asking that the action of the Board of Revision of Taxes, in assessing for municipal purposes the horses of the corporation named, be decreed null and void, and that the Receiver of Taxes be restrained from collecting the pretended tax. The ground taken in the bill was that the power to tax personal property is derived from the act of Assembly of August 25, 1864, which, it was claimed, was not self operative, but required the passage of ordinances providing a system for the assessment and collection of the tax. No ordinance of Councils was ever passed authorizing the taxing of car horses, and it was claimed that the Board of Revision of Taxes acted without warrant of law and in usurpation of the authority of Councils, when, in May, 1880, it imposed a city tax of $77545 upon the horses of that company, which being requisite for the exercise of its franchise, it is contended, are wholly exempt from local taxation, The Tax Department's answer takes the ground that the Board of Revision having made their return of all the property liable for taxatioo for municipal purposes, including the horses of the company, and Councils having directed and required the board to levy a tax on the property returned by them, all the requirements of law have been complied with. The claim that the property of the railway company is exempt from taxation for municipal purposes is denied, and the averment is made that the power to levy and collect the tax assessed is expressly given by the acts of Assem biy of April 15, 1834; April 29, 1844; Augus 25, 1864, and the various supplementary acts LONGING FOB LIBERTY.

A Convict Who Has Been In Prison for Twelve Tears Seeking a Pardon. A notice published yesterday states that at the next meeting of the Pardon Board an "application will be made for the pardon of Edward Smith, who pleaded guilty to the charge of robbing, on November 29, 1869, in the Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia, and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment, to take effect on the expiration of a previous sentence." Smith was only nineteen years old when he entered the penitentiary, on the 4th of December, 1869, under a sentence of 16 years, 12 for murder and 5 for highway robbery. He pleaded guilty to the latter charge, which was that of robbing a defenseless colored woman, Hulda Brown, of the shawl and sacque that she wore. Shortly after the robbery, and near to where it was committed, he had a scuffle with John Hughes, whom he stabbed. In sentencing Smith, Judge Peirce characterized him as "a lawless prowler, going from tavern to tavern, and drinking wherever you went, ready for any opportunity to indulge your brutal propensities, and capable of any crime." The judge further told him that the evidence at the trial would have justified a verdict of murder in the first degree, and that the court would have had no difficulty in sustaining such a verdict.

With commutation off, Smith has now served his first term and wants to be relieved of the other, which, with the commutation off, will not expire until late in 1883. Grand Encampment I. O. O. F.

The semi-annual communication of the R. W. Grand Encampment O. O. State of Pennsylvania, was held yesterday afternoon in the hall.

Sixth street, below Race. Grand Patriarch J. P. S. Gobin, of Lebanon, occupied the chair.

The report of the Grand Patriarch was read and approved. Several new members were admitted. A lengthy report of the Grand Representatives to the Sovereign Grand Lodge was read. The secret work of the Order was exemplified by P. G.

P. Nicholson. The following officers were nominated, the election to take place in March next: Grand Patriarch John W. Stokes, of Philadelphia Grand High Priest-Joseph C. Mc-Cabe, of West Bridgewater.

Grand Senior Warden Henry W. Bailey, of Philadelphia. Grand Scribe J. B. Nicholson, of Philadelphia.

Grand Treasurer John S. Heiss, of Philadelphia. Grand Junior Warden Alfred Facken stall, of Doyestown. Grand Representative to Sovereign Grand Lodge Alfred Black, of Alleghany City. James W.

Tindall was elected trustee to the Odd Fellows' Hall Association, TEUTONIC CUSTOMS TRANSPLANTED Mayor King Will Investigate the Sunday Night Performances at the German Theatres, and Con-suit the District Attorney. In yesterday's Inquirer mention was made of the Sunday night entertainments at the Oermania and Concordia Theatres. The fact was referred to that in both places of public amusem*nt the bar room was in direct communication with the theatre, which is clearly a violation of a law passed at the last session of the Legislature. The act of Assembly bearing on the case was quoted. It expressly provides, in unmistakable language, that no license shall be granted for the sale of spirituous or malt liquors to the proprietors, keepers, lessees or managers of any place of amusem*nt, nor to any house which has passage or communication with anyj place of amusem*nt.

The audiences at both of the theatres were spoken of as being of the most orderly character, and composed of respectable German citizens and their families. It was stated that liquor was not sold in the theatres proper, but that at the dropping of the curtain upon each act the thirsty and they appeared to be numerousarose from their seats and wended their way to the bar room, in connection with each of the theatres, where the services of a number of active waiters were required to hand out the foaming lager. The performance at each place was of a character wholly secular, and, therefore, from an American standpoint, unfitted for the Sabbath and legally prohibited on that day. At one establishment the play was Five Hundred Thousand 1'eufels, and at the other the audience was rapt in the enjoyment of the comic opera of Fatinitza. As money was received at the doors there can be no doubt whatever upon the legal aspect of the question.

An Inquirer reporter yesterday questioned Mayor King in regard to the matter. "The first intimation that I had that performances were given at these theatres on Sunday night," said the Mayor, "was in reading the article in The Inquirer this morning, referring to the entertainment." "What action will you taker' was asked. "I have already notified officers to make an examination of the premises and report the result to me. I have also directed that the proprietors of each theatre Bhail be served with a notice containing a copy of the act of Assembly regarding the sale of liquor, with the information that its observance must be enforced. I considered it no more than proper that notice should be given before any action was taken, in order that the proprietors may be admonished that no infraction of the law will be tolerated by this department" "If from the report of your officers it appears that the theatres are in direct communication with the bar, contrary to the act of Assembly, what course will you pursue?" "I shall communicate with the District Attorney on the subject, and be governed by his advice.

The Chief of Police informs me that during the administration of the former Mayor these places were complained of, and the District Attorney said that the offense was not clearly a violation of the law." At this point the Chief informed the Mayor that be understood the Sunday night performances were given by members of societies, and that members only with their friends were admitted. "Yes," said the Mayor, "the Chief tells me that none but members of the society join in the exhibition." 1 The reporter here remarked that a card was posted up at the Concordia reading for members only, and he might have added that notwithstanding an admission fee was charged, and that anybody was welcome to enter upon payment of the same. The Mayor, continuing, said: "However, it is my duty to preserve the peace, and if these theatres are violating an act of Assembly the proprietors will be notified to desist, as the law must be sustained." A News reporter, who had previously called upon the Mayor with the slip cut from The Inquirer, thus gives the result of his interview: "Impossible said his Honor with great emphasis, after glancing over the slip. "Impossible!" "But," urged the News man, "The Inquirer reporter must have evidently been there." ''Impossible, I tell you," replied the Mayor "such a thing could not happen without my knowing it. But wait a moment, and I'll send for the Chief." Chief Givin was sent for and appeared in an instant said the Mayor, "are ther i any performances on Sunday night at any of our theatres The Chief paused for a moment.

"There may be at one of the German thea tres, but the matter was investigated a yea ago, and it was found that none but member of the society renting the theatre are permitted to be present, and they are admitted by members' tickets, and this, I have understood, keeps them within the law." "But there are two theatres alleged to have been open last night; how about the second oner' Another pause. "Well, I did hear about three weeks ago that one of the German theatres was giving Sunday-night performances, and I instructed Lieutenant Albright to notify the proprietors to close, and he reported to me that they had promised to do so." "Why, it forfeits their licenses," said his Honor, musingly, "and it is charged that bars communicate with the theatre, and the audience drink there. Certainly this is all news to me. It must be stopped at once. See to it, if you please." The Chief simply answered, "Yes, sir," and retired.

"I am sure," said the Mayor, when he had gone, "that there can be no communication with the bar rooms, and I have been so informed. I had all the theatres and places of amusem*nt thoroughly examined in this particular before I granted any of them a license." "Hadn't you better examine them yourself?" mildly suggested his visitor. "True, very true; I see, I see. Well, I shall order the Chief to send the proprietors of these two theatres a copy of the law. You see I must give notice before I begin proceedings." At this moment the Chief returned.

"Chief," said the Mayor, "you will Bend a copy of the law to those people, and also send to The, Inquirer Office, and if the reporter will stand up to this article I'll take immediate action." Lieutenant Albright, of the district in which the German theatres are situated, was now called in, and he and the Chief of Police and Mayor spent some time in secret conclave. Death of a Minister. Rev. Z. M.

Humphrey, who died in Cinein-natti, Ohio, on Sunday, November 13, was pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, for several years, and left here some four years since to accept a professorship in Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati. He contracted typhoid pneumonia, and died after an illness of two weeks. During his pastorate of Calvary Church he was prominently and use-f ally identified with the various branches of church work in his denomination, and had many friends to whom the announcement of bis death will cause sincere regret unve reiieciu create upon ner, ana nave not been least enthusiastic and miiwwafiil In ton- porting her reputation. Justly might Lafayette be proud of ber ministers, and he would add also of ber lawyers. am sure 1 can cordially iniorse the efforts made to make these meetings profitable as well SR DleaflAntL A mlleirA Withrillt-.

Alumni im ne college. If you restrict their influence you strike at the college itself. The trustees cannot do better than to seek the support of the alumni and encourage everything that brings tbem together. My classmates and I stand be tween tne old and tne new, so that we have a right to speak for the institution, and I can say we are always for anything that may promote its interests. Addresses were also made by Rev.

J. J. Pomeroy, who suggested that the alumni be represented in the Board of Trustees, a hint extremely well received: by H. Dubois, of the Philadelphia bar, and others. OVER THE RIVER, Yesterday's Court Proceedings.

In the Court of Quarter Sessions yesterday, before Judges Pancoast, Horner and Woolston, several persons were arraigned for sentence. The following having pleaded guilty, were sentenced: Samuel Martin, assault and battery, six months in State prison; Moses Stevenson, assault and battery, six months; William Wise, keeping a disorderly house, fined $5, or three months in jail unless the amount is sooner paid; John W. Bantain, same offense and same sentence: Hiram Miller, Joseph Polk, John Pride and James Gourley, riotous conduct in Mer-chantville, were sentenced, Miller to pay a flue of $75 and costs, or remain six months in the county jail; Pride received one year in the Penitentiary, Polk two years and Gourley eighteen months. John Bayard, atrocious assault and battery, was fined $30 or stand committed ninety days; Henry Doubert, assault and battery, sentence suspended; Moses Stevenson and Samuel Martin, additional six months for riot Appointments. Theodore Glbbs, the newly-elected sheriff of Camden county, has appointed as his deputy Mr.

Charles J. Wooster, formerly clerk for Joel P. Kilkbride, county clerk. He has also appointed Charles F. Daubmao, formerly chief of police under Mayor Avers, as turnkey, in place of Mr.

Swindell. These gentlemen will go on duty to-day, Track Inspection. Several of the officials ot the Pennsylvania railroad, and also of the West Jersey, passed over the West Jersey road between Camden and Cape May yesterday, and made a thorough inspection of the track. They returned in the evening and expressed themselves much pleased with its condition. Arm Crushed.

William Russell, employed in the picker room of the Washington Mills, Gloucester, had one of his arms so badly lacerated on Saturday, by having it caught in the machinery, that it was found necessary to have it amputated. Recommenced. Contractor Wilson yesterday recommenced paving Federal street with Belgian blocks, after having suspended work for two weeks, in consequence of being unable to secure material. Committed. Yesterday Mayor Bradshaw committed Edward Parker for thirty days, and William Emmons for twenty days, on charges of drunken and disorderly conduct Slight Fire.

Yesterday afternoon a slight fire occurred near Broadway and Ferry road, in the Eighth ward, but little damage was sustained. Confirmed. On Sunday Bishop Scarborough confirmed everal new members in Grace P. E. Church, Baddonfield.

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The Philadelphia Inquirer
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The Philadelphia Inquirer was founded on Monday, June 1, 1829. It was then called the Pennsylvania Inquirer and is now the third oldest surviving daily newspaper in the United States in its own right.

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